

look upon the cross and be healed
Book entitled
The vision, the word & salvation
Written by apostle Bonifácio

Title: Look upon the cross and be healed.

Dear brothers and sisters,i come to you in the Name of Jesus the Son of God whom (we Christians) call "Salvation and everlasting life",I am here to encourage the weak and strong to keep lifting up their hearts to the Lord because He means salvation.

Let us bend our knees and confess our sins before the Supreme God in order for our needs to be highlighted on the Altar of Jehovah God.

Dear Holy Father "Yahweh",we bow before You and we confess our sins...truly our thoughts,words and deeds hurt your feelings therefore we bow before You to pray for forgiveness through Christ our Saviour whom we call "Salvation and everlasting life",may Your will take place oh Holy Father.

Brethren,He who lives and reigns together with the Holy Father sent me to deliver the healing words unto those who need Jesus.

He said,glad or sad,weak or strong "look upon the cross and be healed".
In time I judged this spirit and something came to my attention and said to me (the demonic spirit doesn't direct people to go near salvation because the mission of the kingdom of darkness,is to enslave people,stealing the truth from their hearts,destroying them and lately kill them).

I do believe that whoever looks upon the holy cross in faith is saved,not just a cross because even the wicked has his own cross,but the cross in which our Saviour was crucified onto,i say what I know.

Most of the time I feel the presence of the wicked spirits and their temptations,but whenever I look upon the holy cross of the one who died and resurrected after three days,the demons runaway from me,is not that I am too holy is that i am a true believer,i don't doubt the power of Messiah,and I do believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of Jehovah God.

Sometimes we fail to receive the needed peace,love and joy (victory) because we talk too much,give yourself a time and read the word of God written on "Matthew,6:7".

Happy or sad,weak or strong simply look upon the Holy Cross and receive your blessings immediately.

Jesus lives,He saves and He cares,that's all I know.
Believe and help others to come near the shadow of Christ which is you who believe the existence of Christ and all His promises.

All He promised is true...so let us keep on entertaining Him for He is the only Holy way to everlasting joy,John,14:6.

Jesus loves you my friend,and He calls you to be part of His sheep,be glad that He remembered your name.
Come forth and rejoice with the saints and angels of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen


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