

Letter From A Demon
Dear Procrastination Demon:

DEMONCORP's board of directors assigned me the task of writing your performance review this week; this will define your eligibility for promotion.

You've excelled throughout last quarter and exhibited flawless technique on our Anti-inspiration campaign. However, they'd like me to provide you with a few pointers to make sure you'll qualify for the Head Depression Demon position--the parking spot is considerably closer to the building.

Your client this week, Mr. About-to-quit-writing, is working on the first few chapters of a plagiarized knockoff version of a beloved children's book at the moment so I would advise you to start with some prayer chain messages from his mother, a 12-hour 50% bonus exp on his MMORPG, and a surprise midnight sale on tech gear. That should keep him away from the typewriter until your upcoming evaluation.

Best of luck,
Executive Anxiety Demon
© Federico Soler