

Sunset’s Surrender | #WritcoPoemChallenge
Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run.
Dusk prepares its questions, I can’t pretend,
As evening whispers, “Here we go again.”

No buzzing phone, no urgent tasks,
The night unrolls its quiet asks.
The night unfurls, demanding time.No little ones to blur my view,The list of bedtime tasks now through.

But then darkness comes and lays a heavy claim, relentlessly pointing out my unmet goals, each shame.
In shadows, failures form a line, impulsively
Demanding answers to “What’s mine?”

I sift through dreams and debts and fear,
Decide what’s false and what is clear.
No sun to hide, no tasks to flee,By dawn,
Perhaps, my soul can be set free.

As the final stars adorn the sky,
Sunset surrenders, and so do I.
Accepting flaws in dawn’s first light,
Another chance to make things right.

© Sewn With Stardust + Writco Poem Challenge 1