

Let it go

When somebody told me that he failed his exams, I questioned "Is it a law that you will pass every time?"

When someone told me that his friend broke up with him, I queried, "Is it a rule that you will have successful relationships all the time?"

When somebody else informed me that he was severely depressed, I wondered out aloud, "Is it necessary to be in fine form all the time?"

When another one wept on my shoulders citing his huge business loss due to a decision gone wrong, I asked, "Is it possible to take the right decision every time?"

The fact is, our expectation that life has to be perfect or as per our wishes, is the biggest reason for our unhappiness.

If only one understood the laws of impermanence of nature.

After each sunny day, there has to be a dark night,
After each birth there will have to be certain death, and
for the full moon to come again it has to pass through no moon.

In this very imperfection of nature, there is perfection.

So stop taking failures and bad part of your life soooo personally or intensely, even God does not like to give you pain but it is the cycle through which we all have to pass. Time to pepare ourselves for one more fight after each fall because even failures cannot be permanent...!

Enjoy life...

Our breath comes to go.
Our thoughts come to go.
Our words come to go.
Our actions come to go.
Our feelings come to go.
Our illnesses come to go.
Our phases come to go.
Our seasons come to go.
We have all come to go.

Then why should we hold on to guilt, anger, ego, unforgiveness, hatred so so so tightly, when it too has come to go?

Release it. Let it go.
© nobody