

The Draining Spell - Chapter 1
Charli was sitting infront of the bright computer screen. The room was lit by the light of the setting sun. She strongly smells rice and meat, her mother is cooking a curry and she can't wait. She loves rice, she can eat it with nothing but salt. She just likes how the fact it's not quite straight salt but still tastes like nothing but salt

On the screen in front of her, was an article about the event that happens every 100 years. The event was celebrating the magic that the population thrives on. It is coming up in a few days.

Charli reads on about the event. A festivle with fair events. Golf, apple bobbing, merry go rounds and heaps of other events.

She feels the bumpy weel on the mouse, scrolling down to read more. Soon she reached the end of the site. But there was a link to another one. Charli was always taught not to click links, but she had to.

A surge of noise came from the TV her dad was watching. The noise got progressively quieter as Charli's dad turned the volume down.

Charli turned back to the computer. She read the words. "The magic festivle is a scam!" Her mouth flooded with saliva and she thought she might vomit.

"There have been records of plans that were exposed on Wiki Leaks. The plans are to drain and steal magic off those who posess it."

"Dinner!" Charli's mother called out.
She quickly switched off the tab and left for dinner.
#WikiLeaks #100Years #Event #Fair #RiceLover #Magic #novel
© Amelia Newberry