

letter with rose
today I will give this letter to John today I can fight with any problem but I can't leave John .after saying this Vanessa close her door and start writing a letter.she is near to finished her letter unfortunately her door knocks her mother saying Vanessa come out of your room and do your dinner Vanessa said mom put my meal in mother said ok . her mother go and take her meal to her room Vanessa opened her room door take the meal after this her mother go out of the room.it Vanessa take her meal and pack in a bag and take her letter with a rose it was 12:00 clock she slowly and silently opened her room door and get out of the room finally she is out from her room now . she catch a taxi and sit in it after some time she saw begger on the road she ask driver to stop the taxi the driver stop it Vanessa came out of the taxi and gave her meal to the begger . begger saw the meal and feel very happy after giving meal to the begger she again sit in the taxi. after some minutes she reached to her destination.that's was joh'ns home she knick the door a lot but nobody open the door she again and again knock the door after some time a person open the door and Vanessa said . is John there . stranger: yes John is there but who are you .i am joh'ns friend Vanessa said than she get in when she entered the house she saw John sitting and passing from fever John and Vanessa start crying where are you Vanessa said I am finding you a long time where you were please tell me John said I was just aidless please forgive me than thay hug and Vanessa said why you leave me John said your father bravado me to leave you if I can't leave you he will kill me so I have to leave this town please forgive me Vanessa said I hate you dad after saying this Vanessa holds John hand and said let's go with me John asked where are we going Vanessa and John sit in joh'ns car and go to her house it was near 4:00 all was sleeping in Vanessa home Vanessa went and start ululating dad mom please come out thay get out of their roomz Vanessa's dad saw John with angry eyes and asked what are you doing here Vanessa said he is my first and last love dad why you do this to me I know am adopted but you don't love you and mom helped me to grew up dad was not understanding anything he go into his room and got a pistol when Vanessa saw that dad is killing she come afore John unfortunately joh'ns dad killed bullet quant in her tummy and she fell down Vanessa mother start crying and Vanessa dad stuck on that and immediately John and Vanessa dad take Vanessa to hospital thay start operation to get bullet out thay all were coming after half an hour doctor came out sand said don't worry we got bullet out joh'ns dad apologize to John for his massive mistake John said uncle it's ok after saying this doctor said you can meet to Vanessa thay both was going inside and John was standing there dad said John please come in John slowly step his feet inside the room Vanessa was opening his eyes when she saw john she called John to come here John went to Vanessa and hold his hand dad said Vanessa please forgive me I was blind that I can't see my daughter i really love you please forgive Vanessa smiled abd tell dad it's ok than after this thay all smiled and lived happily .
my last message is guys loving is not a big sin if it's exquisite .
love you all stay safe stay happy and spread love around .