

Masturbation is it good or bad?

  Let's talk about masturbation  or self pleasuring. The question  is: Is it healthy, right, a sin or even self rape as I recently saw on social media. As a sex & relationship coach, I'll  have to say its very healthy as a way to release of stress, sleep better, boost your mood, relax, feel pleasure, relieve cramps, release sexual tension, have better sex, safe sex and a natural spirtual high.

Yes, you heard that right. It is a spiritual high. I find that people and society in general are uncomfortable about the method by which we all came here. This is a real pity as its is a beautiful  and priceless experience that only can happen in this dimension.

We must embrace our sexuality and see it as a spiritual act that opens portals to another world. Is conception not how life comes here in the first place? Moving a soul from one dimension to another.

Lets remove the taboo and our need to suppress  anything that brings great pleasure and taint it with rules, judgement and shame.

A two year old will discover his/her privates and realize when I play with these I will feel a pleasurable sensation. That is true at two and fifty two. When do we  add judgement and shame  to the act. Its like being fascinated with a beautiful piece of art. Why does it have to be anything more? Where is there shame in enjoying art?  Why must we taint it?  

The sexual organs have a purpose and are designed to give immense pleasure as they also bring a most valuable thing  to life.  Like anything else I would never encourage abuse but exploring you first and getting to know your likes and dislikes, your degree of pressure, varioud postions, where sensations sooth, where is thrill, what brings you most estacy. Most importantly what doesn't work.

I can admit people think they need props but you don't that is a choice or even  misinformation in some cases. It is also not just about the climax as that is another misconception. You can just enjoy the pleasure and thrill and be fascinated with God's miraculous works, as the entire body can be an erogenous zone.  If caressed properly.

As humans I find we add judgement to so many things we spoil its pureness and make it tainted, ugly, shameful.
Just remember  its noble purpose and if God gave it to us he wants us to enjoy and explore it as it will also have many hidden treasures that help you find the many beauties he has stored in the temples of our bodies.

Your body loves and deserves pleasure. You should give it that as often as it needs like medicine. Feel healthy feel good transecend to another dimension  as its a spitual gift and draw what powers you need from it.

I  understand  peoples present beliefs on it that may have been taught to you. I suggest you think about some of these points and consider what you want to do?  If you still don't that is perfectly fine. However  if you do remove the judgement, guilt shame so you can enjoy the act in its fullness and claim the spirtual benefits.

 Remember take time to explore your phenomenal  temple with the wonder and awe it deserves. Happy  exploring.

Maria Collymore
Relationship Coach
July  28, 2020
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