

When ego gets in the way of a good thing.
Deep breath...and exhale.

You can say what you mean,
You can say yes, no, maybe, not right now.
There is no need to leave anything hanging in the air.

Don't worry about hurting my feelings. Those are mine to deal with.
I am more than capable of dealing with my shit, fighting my battles and healing myself.

Just be you, be honest and open about what you want, you are the most important person in YOUR life, articulate your shit, get clear about it.

My life is full. I spend my days grafting hard towards my goals, healing myself so nobody ever has to shoulder my burdens, and that takes up so much energy. What's left over is reserved for people that matter to me.

Sometimes I want to shake you because I know you know this.

For me to want you in my life means there is something real here.
My time is precious, I don't need these games.
I don't need you.

I. want. you.

Do you even realise the difference? I mean really?

I want to get to know you,
I want to connect with you,
I want to see our spark play out effortlessly,

because experiencing you was something divine for me.

And maybe it's just my interpretation,
I know I have a wild imagination and I get lost in my daydreams,.
Again, that's for me to worry about.

All that said, I don't want any of it if we aren't on the same page.

I just thought you could be the cherry on top but I am ok with being wrong about you.

It might do you good to own up to your part too, even if just to yourself.

As imaginative as I am, I did not create the poetry that drips from your mouth in between the silences. You did.
I'm sure it feels like shit to see how unmatched your words and actions are.

Stop doing that to yourself.

I just want you to be you, happy, clear, free.
You deserve that.

Stop running away when shit gets deep, please.
That little boy inside you is scared, I know. But I won't bite unless you ask me too.

Let your divine masculine out more, he knows what to do.

You see, I respect you.
Even though you treat me so weird sometimes; I still see you.
Your unique gifts, your magic, your light.
I am drawn to you like a moth to a flame, and you know it.

If you don't want to share it with me that's ok too, but for the love of God can you please just tell me?

If you can't handle me right now thats okay.
It's okay, but then you've got to let me go.

Don't play dirty with me baby, I've got a life to live.