

A broken mirror &An old desk with locked drawer

As we all knows, to chech the reality of ourselves we use to see it in mirror. mirror has a unique ability to reflect the real what comes in front of it. some of use to see it by early in the morning, where as some of us avoiding to see it in the early in the morning. because we all are following the tradition firmly in which we comes from. There are many thoughts are adheard to about mirror. it is said that looking of face into broken piece of mirror is about inviting of misfirtune.

One thing is common among all of us in search of and find something new. during the resettlement of appliences in to an old closed rooms. which was keep close for a long period of time. in which if we find a desk with locked drawer. it becomes a part of intrest to find out the items kept into the drawer. thus we have similar thoughts to live happy whole life. but action we use are different from everyone.