

Many untold paths within this journey
Undetermined roads and paths to venture on. And all appears to be mysterious. Yet one has to be chosen.

In order to move forward a path that has not been chosen by me, myself or I has become inevitable. And it appears that resistance will really be futile.

No matter which path is chosen by us. There is always something that is unexplainable that crosses our minds.

It's unbelievable how someone could come up with a plan. That doesn't involve themselves. Yet unknowing subjects, lab test dummies (me, myself and I), are nominated for the joyous journey.

We have traveled many different paths before throughout this universe. However, ones like this one has always been concerning!

Look at things on the bright side, they say! Does this bright side seems ideal for consistencies of igniting our triggers?

Nevertheless, back to it, many journies are so called predictable. Yet we cannot deny that every path we have traveled within this universe has been unpredictable. However, many may have been pleasurable. Especially when keeping on focus!

I wonder how many times any of us have ever been able to say that we have met someone that we are totally confident in trusting that person....

Nevertheless, in this survival mode. People are transcending before any of us could have expected. Of course it has us feeling like..... I don't know if there is a word that could describe how it feels.

It's difficult to communicate emotions with other people who are sincerely opening up. It's difficult to determine what is real or not. And traveling on this path is uncertain. For the resources have become so limited that they are almost nonexistent!

Are there any resources available? Really?

Everything is shutting down. Limits are being placed on everyone and everything! Budgets have been stretched until there is no more budget to stretch. Days spent without eating are being made up on days that are enabled to eat enough to catch up. Then we tend to sleep until our anatomy is tired of resting, imagine that! Then the things we do to keep ourselves busy begins to feel as if it takes too long to accomplish! Or is that part of the delusional process of it all.

Furthermore, I believe that we are truly grateful for this opportunity to describe what we are going through on this journey. We are enduring quite a lot of experiences. Yet we are grateful to be amongst one another. And to have the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful adventure with you.

Peace out peeps and soldiers...
© Bazilisk49