

God's people must prepare for the End times.
You people who serve the LORD, listen to this message, receive and believe in it.
The disasters are approaching rapidly and they will not be delayed, like a women in labour she cannot stop the baby from being born
after her pregnancy cycle is complete, same with the disasters that are coming on Earth will not be delayed, and the world will groan when it's
caught in labour pains.

Get ready people of God. When disasters come, you must live as people whose home is not in this world,
for those who live as the world does is doomed, for the world follows the way of Satan, but you chosen people of God follow Christ.
A respectable women despises a prostitute.
So, rightoues despises sinfulness, no matter how attractive it looks.
Righteous will expose every sin in the world and condemn it, face to face when her Defender comes.
So do not imitate sin or do what is does, for the LORD hates the sins committed in the world, don't be apart of them, you are saved, cleansed and forgiven by Christ; given new life
so live rightouesly people of God. Those who say they have not committed any sin against God and his majesty are only bringing fiery shame upon themselves. The LORD certainly knows everything that people do, He knows thier plans and internist thoughts, so those who sin and say, " Nobody can see me, it's too dark." The LORD sees them, for His eyes are
1000 times brighter than the sun, so He sees them. The LORD knows your intentions and secret thoughts of your heart. Sinners who try to hide their sins are doomed, THE LORD will carefully examine everything you have done and bring you to judgement, for judgement is- God gave you a life, so what did you do with it.
Those who hide they're sins, their sins will be publicly exposed and all the wicked things you have done will witness against you. What will you do then? How can you hide your sins from God, He is your judge so fear Him! Abandon your sins, put away the evil you do and never sin again. Then God will save you from these disasters.
There will be a time where persecutions for those who follow Christ will increase, but this will the time of testing for the chosen people, and they will be proven to be as pure as refined gold. So don't be still following Christ even when they mock, humiliate, ridicule or persecute, stay faithful to your LORD and do not abandon Him.
The time of God's people to suffer is coming. but He will rescue you. Don't be afraid, don't have doubts; He is our God and He will lead you. If you keep His laws and command, you must not let your sins of past selves or your sins weigh you down or control. Those who are chained by their sins. are overwhelmed by e
the evil they have done, are doomed. They are like an overgrown field with brushwood, with the path across it so choked with thorns that no can get through. It is abandoned and doomed to be destroyed by fire.

GOD is and will always be the Victor, Jesus Christ will win.

Inspired by 2 Esdras and God's word.