Title: "A Descending Stairs into Nature's Terror :The Storming Skies:"Part-3⤵️
Make your short story take place in a skyscraper. Stumbling through the skies, exactingly igniting the heavens.
As I floated in the deep void, suddenly the aliens' words echoed & reechoed in my mind. And I saw visions of the Earth's devastation: mud landslides swallowing villages, floods ravaging cities, Antarctica melting, snow avalanches creeping like silent monsters, storms...
Make your short story take place in a skyscraper. Stumbling through the skies, exactingly igniting the heavens.
As I floated in the deep void, suddenly the aliens' words echoed & reechoed in my mind. And I saw visions of the Earth's devastation: mud landslides swallowing villages, floods ravaging cities, Antarctica melting, snow avalanches creeping like silent monsters, storms...