

say no to yoga
what is yoga
yoga is a powerful natural state.that can inspire.yoga is not about touching your toes.it is about unlocking your ideas.
Yoga started 6000 years ago in Hindu religion .yoga is a state of worship in hinduism.Yoga is a Practice to Strengthen Body, Mind and Soul .The three paths of yoga are mentioned in the Bhagavat Gita.
1.Karm Yoga
2.Bhagti Yoga
3.Giyan yoga
one who does yoga is called a yogi .
In China
many Chinese Do Not Consider Spiritual Belief And Not Feel That they must Practice Any One Of Them. China is considered a home to Humanism and secularism.Islam and Christianity Arrived in China in 7th Century .National Survey Conduct in early Century Estimated that Some 80%Percent of Population of China Practice Some Kind of Folk Religion ,41.58 are buddhist,10% are christian and 3.83% are muslim.
Baba Haridas Was Teacher Of Yoga .
he Was Classicaly trained in Asthanga Yoga ,Raja Yoga (yoga of eight limbs),kirya yoga, ayurveda, tantra yoga ,vedanta and sanskrit .
Yoga is different from other exercises .
Yoga is a practice of being healthy .
Now people have realized health is not in medicines, but health is in the hands of a person.
(Yogi Haider )
In India Yoga Trend Is More Than In Pakistan .Yoga Consist On Exercises
1.deep stretching
2.deep breathing
Breath is Free Of Cost .take breathThrough Nose Not Through Mouth .
Hello World.
my question is that why you are christian ,muslim, sikh and other minorities .
the answer is the one because of your religion .your religion is your identity .There is a way of worship in every religion .And you are recognized by the way you worship .Never Lose Your Identity Your Identity Is Your Religion .thats why you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian ,Sikh and Others ...
Yoga is Attack on Other Religions.
In India Yoga Practices are more than in Pakistan .Pakistani Follow Trend in Last After knowing Good and Bad Effects .
In Hatya Yoga You Stretch your arms,your hands and call Omm To Get Spirtuality .In world many yogi are suggesting ,do not say these words but move your arms.
Doing this is exactly the same as asking a non-muslim not to say anything with his mouth, do sajda ,act namaz .what you are reading no one wants to know only your actions will tell that you are muslim .You have come to this by the methods of your worship, you are from the methods of your worship .Yoga is the posture (method )of worship in Hinduism .
Yoga Started Six Thousand Years Ago in Hinduism .UN General assembly has passedis 21 June as International Yoga Day on Behalf of Indian Prime Minister Modi .
To general assembly .
International Laws Are Making us Free From feel.
You can bring them(religion) together on one page but can't make them fuse.
Yoga has blurr the way of worship in different religion.
Human health is being linked with yoga .
If it is not stopped, then surely there will be sitting yogi in place of worship .
There is no need of yoga .
To make healthy, a person should go to natural methods.
you should wake up early ,should go for walk ,should sit upright , you should sit cross-legged.
eat slowly and chew the food .
drink water before and during meals .
do not drink water after every meal .
Don't drink water at all, but drink water sip by sip.Drink at least 8 glass water every day and every glass in at least three sip.go to bed early.The food you eat,there
should be 3 hours of loyalty between your food and sleep. By straightening our routine, diseases can be controlled up to 90 percent.
do not put yourself in that affair.

© Isa cordinator R. H