

My Fall
I fell when I was 12, and continue to fall. But some days I'm able to climb back up, little by little. Only to fall worse than the first time.

My hands bloody and bruised, my nails chiped and missing from the claim people say are worth it. I have yet to see why it's worth it though, why must I stay to see smiles on faces often blured. I get that it's selfish of me to think these things when I have so many lovely people around, but I feel so alone. I'll wait around, suffering in my own hell, because I'm aware everyone is climbing at their own pace, some succeed and some fall to far. I'll wait until I know for a fact everyone is content on where they are.

So, I have been falling since I was 12, it's a steep fall, it's painful, but it's my life. And some day's I'm able to rest at the top, just long enough to let everyone know I'll be alright.

© Akki42