

Scary black Skyscapers

they were waiting for dad!
we were moving to our new apartment after leaving in dropskin city four good ten years.we waited for our dad to pick us with his new van he bought last two weeks ago through his small company, he make lot of profit but not that massive profit. I was the interrogator voice at the edge of our new apartment, making a conversation with my elderly sistermarvel, the first and only female in our family. I asked, "why this vicinity so strange and bit desolated, it seems to be concerned.there's a great change by comparing to our formal deafening city !?, I was so keen to know. she make some silent chuckle by replying me. but seems to get some break in transmission in our talk by the footsteps of my dad, we suspended it there, so I left to continue packing in with my elder brother lampat,whom is the second and first male in our family. they called me Mr RB which I was giving by my formal town in dropskin city, cause of my art of farce attitude and making a comic relief, but Reuben was my biological name in my family.
Everything was vibrant in our new home and luminous. after packing up we all moved to the parlor for more arrangements and decorations. they make some stilted giggle from my little comedy I make during our cleaning.the tidiness of my room space is frequently noted by others.
According to my family tree we are Kent's family and my dad, Kent robin who is an intelligent man and an entrepreneurship,he was married to Mrs Kent javen a teacher from zenith biosa college in dropskin city. she conceived three children, marvel, lampat,and I. we all go to zenith college as well .
it was in the night,I walk outside to take some breeze at the compound after consuming some pizza for night since no one have a time to cook, everyone is exhausted and emotionally. actually I noticed there's a black Skyscapers at the back of our new apartment, I ran out of the compound without my anyone permission. I walk to the black Skyscaper's sphere and I was so exhilarating to see such a beautiful black Skyscaper. as I could sense,this is more than hieght of one fifty meters and 545 feet an above. never seen such a Skyscaper like this before in my life, it's kind of so desolated. No one living in and am little bit Panic to go in ....

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