Buried anger
I am searching for something near the sea and something fell inside the sea making it doubled issues.i don't know how it happened and i saw anger following human beings wherever they go and this same anger has caused lives,caused broken homes,caused friendships,i needed quick answer or i may lose myself.i hear a voice whispered to me,sleep less,this is one of the best investiments you can make your life more productive Chinedu Nkwoka and rewarding.i don't Understand What this got to do with anger.i must consult the main pathematic and control cause i need answers and i also Want to invite alcoholics and Cannabis to help me out.i am not the cause of anger Nedu Obiolaedo,rather i helped to solve problems,I never told human to get drunk and blamed me for their anger.i never adviced any human to be alcoholic and this is a choice of some human.If human knows alcoholic is not Good and it causes anger for them,Let them leave me alone.i was blamed that yearly acoholic killed more people and I was blamed that i made some people after they got drunk they argued with someone and stabbed someone to death.i have nothing to do with anger and human being has the power to stop getting drunk whenever they had misunderstandings with their wife or Anybody cause i can't solve such problem,i was made just to make someone relaxed and not to caused any pains nor harm,If any human being don't want me acoholic and knows well I'm disturbance to him or her Let such person leave me alone and this...