

Last Girl by Alesha
do you live a girl named Amber she lives with her mom Maria and her dad Mark.
they live in a house of cement.

one day Amber decided that she would take a walk in the forest. Amber was alone in the forest she wanted to sing and so she did when the sun was finished she couldn't find her way back outof the forest. Amber was lost because she couldn't find her way home. Amber became scared and tired. that she felt asleep and didn't remember she was still the forest.

she woke up and realized that she was still in the forest.
so she walk and walk until she find a river which was full of mermaids she tried to talk to the mermaids but they couldn't speak only one could but that one was really underneath the water and Amber couldn't swim.

she tried to sing she song a beautiful song
then the mermaid came up from underneath the water. clapping with his tail. he smells as he looks at Amber saying you are very beautiful and you have a beautiful voice. he said what's your name?
Amber replied my name is Amber what's yours?

my name is Train I live here all my life.
as you can see I'm a mermaid Man.
and these are my sisters you see they can't speak but they can hear you. so Amber how did you get here.

Amber replied I'm kind of loss you see we just moved from place call mako island
and we move to this beautiful place I was alone at home so I decided to come and take a walk and I realized I went deep into the forest and got last.

oh I see said Train
I can help you with that just follow me but how can you move you're just a mermaid said Amber.

here's how I can transfer myself me and my sisters into a human like you. Train said wait on me
I'll be there a second.

so he arrived on land with his sister's.
he said where do you live? what's your address?
Amber replied
I live in a tiny house my address is six five two Hollywood Street

ok that's easy to find so they walk and walk untill they discovered a house a tiny house with the address they went inside to see if it was really the house
and it was.

Amber thank Train for saving her from this distater and she gave Train a kiss on the cheeks as she told him goodbye.

she watch him flew into a book of history
and wave his hands a blowing kisses to Amber saying bye.

that day Amber remember to set signs in the forest if she ever get lost.