

pick your own title:
Her hair.
Her eyes.
Her smile.
Her cheekbones.
Her eyebrows.
The way her body moved with the music, she looked as though nothing else mattered. When the song ended and the lights came on in the club, her beauty seemed to fade, she stumbled towards the table where she and her friends sat and hollered over to a waiter, demanding another drink. Another drink wasn’t a smart idea, she looked as if she was ready to pass out. While she was dancing, I hadn’t noticed the vomit smeared over her face. Her hair no longer looked beautiful. The waiter came over with her drink, she chugged it down within 30 seconds and let out a joyous yell. One of her friends who was in worse condition, pulled her by the hand and onto the dance floor. Harmoniously, they swayed their hips and moved with the music. She ran her thin fingers through her knotted messy hair. I glanced back at her table, 3 of her friends still sat there. 2 of them wore glittery tight cocktail dresses, drinking Martinis with little pink umbrellas. They giggled away while the 3rd friend sat drinking from a clear glass of water, smiling while her friends danced, every so often she would check her phone, sigh and put it back in her pocket. The 2 friends keeping her company left her after the downed a couple of shots. She gave them a thumbs up a smile as they made their way to the center of the dance floor, it was the time of smile that you gave a toddler when they showed you their drawing of you, which was just multicolored scribbles. I looked back over at the drunk girl, who was now joined by her friends, trying to copy Beyonce in the singe ladies video but failed miserably as she was losing consciousness as she danced. As soon as the song finished, she sprinted towards the bathroom, pushing and shoving all who stood in her way. Her friends ran after her, collecting all the things she dropped as she ran, her left glittery high heel fell off, and her makeup dropped out her pocket, along with her money and phone. The girls grabbed It all, squashing it into their already full bags.

© me
(if possible, add your title idea in the comments thing)