

friendly end
After their long quiet embrace randi walked to the passenger side and climbed in. Lori just smiled, even though she had never experienced riding in the car with her Rue-Rue driving, she had also never driven a Maserati before and the fact that her friend who was also sometimes like her adopted child had actually grown up and did someth in mg with herself no longer snobby and where labeling with a shoplifting budget.
Randi kept that weird smile she would get sometimes on her face while looking at lori. It was never creepy but for the longest lori didnt understand what it meant. When she would ask her Rue, the response was always the same. Just now she didnt care that she was doing it. She was just happy to see she still looked at her that way.
The car pulled into the driveway and they remained silent until the door shut behind them.
"OMG RueRue, I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you're here, I have so much to tell you. And I know you have some great stories for me."
The two friends talked all night anout everything. Neither one interrupting the other for the first time ever. Rue even mentioned it at one point during the conversation and lori responded with a comment randi hadn't heard on years. "Domestication is key."
The sun started coming up and the two ventured to the store for cigarettes. Lori was about to purchase her giant bottle of moscato when randi said hold that thought, not yet. Confused while walking back to the car as to why, right when she was about to ask, randi opened up the trunk revealing wine bottles with labels she couldn't read because she didnt know French, nor what looked like Italian or Spanish. Her rue informed her that she had been collecting some of her favorite bottles of moscato from around europe, for lori to try. Something only her RueRue would do.
The spoiling of her is definitely something lori had been lacking. There was no one these days running her a bath or lighting candles. The breakfast plate under her nose wake ups. The whole body rub downs that usually allowed lori to fall right asleep, because she had been so stressed out and tense she couldn't sleep. Randis massages always did that for her. Even the occasional total pampering of her when the bath was run with all kinds of salts and bubbles, where the only thing lori would have to do uh s get in. Randi would wash her head to toe., even clean her toe nail and clean up the cuticle. Remembering randi would sometimes try to get a little sexual but always respected her if she said no and she never made a big deal about it.
[ ] Why she did those things for her lori never really understood Randi and her motivation behind doing these things for her but she never questioned her about it either. She also never seemed comfortable having the same done for her. True she hadn't really tried much but the few times she did attempt a little bit of something it just didnt seem wanted so she stopped. Curiosity got the better of her after seeing all the wine and once in the car she decided to ask her about it, why she did it. And for the first time it felt, her answer was short, precise and made sense. The answer did however also remind her that she probably didnt deserve to be treated like that by randi. And right on question her Rue responded to the almost anguished look on her face and consoled her thoughts of unworthiness.
[ ] For over a week the two women did this same thing everyday all day and all night. At the house, or at a bar, restaurants and even in the way to and from church. No arguing nor animosity from either of them. They both had finally matured into the people they were supposed have been years earlier. But without everything they had been through with each other neither of them would have ever matured.
[ ] The two never lost contact with each other again. Actually lori and randi sold their houses and bought a nice cottage together on 2 acres of land. Future days were filled with sweet tea, home cooked meals, walks around the property talks while sitting on the docks watching the river flow. As the years progressed they implemented life checks. Where when thinking about it one would check on the other during the night to reassure the other hadnt passed. Since their earlier years both had declared the other couldn't leave first. And when the day came it went as only the movie "The Notbook" could portray accurately. Now old and feeble, kids, grand kids and great grand kids were secured in life and all things wanting to be done were done. This day started like every other except they again like the night they saw each other again, they didnt speak at all. Both somehow knew what the other was thinking, wanting or needing and they just did it. Late that afternoon they took a blanket and the last bottle of traveled moscato down to a grassy patch underneath a giant tree who's branches hung long and low creating the perfect amount of shade from the days heat. Backs against the tree and leaning on each other they just enjoyed the site of the day ending and sipped their wine. Lori laid her head on her Rues lap and brought her arm across her shoulder intertwining their fingers and holding her hand close to her heart. Lori exhaled a long yawn and as she closed her eyes said "I love you RueRue" and rue responded with " I love you too baby." And both quietly took a nap. Both looking completed and at peace remarked the coroner upon approaching their bodies days later. He said he almost didnt want to disturb them.