

To my younger self
Dear Younger Me,

As I sit down to write this, my heart aches with a sorrow that words can barely capture. I am writing to apologize, not just to seek forgiveness but to honor the pain and dreams we once held so closely.

I see you now, a bright-eyed soul filled with hope and dreams, with a fire that could light up the darkest nights. You deserved so much more than what you received. You deserved love, protection, and a chance to see your dreams bloom. And I am deeply, profoundly sorry that I couldn't be the one to fight for you, to stand up against the injustices you faced.

I apologize for not living the dreams you cherished so dearly. Life's burdens and the weight of expectations pulled me away from the path we envisioned. I know how much it meant to you to see our aspirations come to life, and it breaks my heart that I let those dreams wither away.

I am also sorry for not seeking justice for the pain you endured. The world can be cruel, and the scars you carry are a testament to the battles you fought alone. I should have been your avenger, the one to right the wrongs and protect your innocence. Instead, I let fear and doubt cloud my judgment, leaving you to face the harshness of life without the support you deserved.

Please know that your strength and resilience were not in vain. Even though I stumbled and faltered, it was your courage that carried us through. You are the reason I stand here today, and for that, I owe you everything.

I promise to carry your dreams in my heart and to strive every day to make you proud. I will honor your pain by being kind to myself and by fighting for a future that reflects the beauty and brilliance you always possessed.

With all my love and deepest regrets,
Your older and sad self
© sosawrites