

Circles and Squares
This woman, known for her beauty and charismatic qualities. Not many could've known the depths of this woman's ways. The wittiness of her manipulation. She was no devil, and her ways unknowingly to her were only furthering her fall into the depths of her own pit of darkness. This woman once loved someone deeply, and because of her love unconditional love. She held on, and held on, until the greatest parts of her were broken. Losing the trust in love. Finding comfort in the darkness. So much pain, so much resentment, and fear. She lost herself, and that is when she became a hoarder of hurt, and energy of those willing to love the mask she wore to please the mind and body of the man. She was truly a master in the art of her illusion. So much so she would even herself lose all sight of who she truly was in moments. The man was made to feel like a hero, she herself always played the role of the victim. She was a life long victim, a damsel in distress. For this role, she had she had vault of mask to choose from. Each man had a story, and in each story every man would take her place in the same pit they believed to be rescuing her from. They had no idea this place was their own soon toto be prison. While she became as powerful as a goddess. Depleting each and every man of all their love. Love, the most enormous and absolute energy in all of universal existence. This woman is an enchantress, and her energy take can only be explained in the resemblance of a vampire. Creating the same darkness in each man that is within herself. Never allowing them a chance to escape their prison of darkness. Treating the men like pets at her disposal. The men never realized that they themselves were being groomed, tricked into being the man who it all rooted from. She was on a mission to break him and to her, all men were him. Until, she met the other side of the coin. A man that was himself a victim of hurt, a that had destroyed so many women, and like her still could will them to do exactly what he wanted them too. They both were broken. The difference was, this man had a new beginning rising within him. She was now a very big pieces of the light that grew within him. This man was a dreamer, an ambitious dreamer. When these two qualities merge, there is only one way to describe the power. Carrying the light of the Sun himself, but from an infinite source of energy. As she was beginning to suck this man dry of his love, it happened. An explosion within him, a big bang! He became connected to Source, and from that moment this couldn't even be contained by the pull of her darkness. He saw through her deception. Yet he still loved her, unconditionally! The few shards of light left by the this woman, was the and could only be from the Divine. Her agenda was becoming devoured by this man's hope. Like a lighthouse guiding her. Loving her through the acts of hatred, and betrayal done to kill this man's spirit. The dream began to wash away the many layers darkness that this woman's heart lay dormant in. She was an abyss, and the real woman was lost within it. His Awakening gave him clarity to all, in the times of his need. His thoughts manifested as if he were turning metal into gold. Filled with love, he dove into the abyss, like a shooting star. Her new home of darkness was imploding. The harder she fought, the faster she ran, the more the mask peeled away. Until all that was left was no longer an enchantress, no longer the queen of the damn. She was a phoenix, the love within her so immense and immaculate. Her love now matched the brilliance of his. As they united engulfing one another in the flames of their own. The purpose of life takes place. They become one, and booommmmm, let there be LIGHT.