

Simple Diary of Mine
Eleventh Page

Yesterday was a hectic day. Pirates suddenly came to the village while Blue keep pacing back and forth worrying. I tried to calm her down but it was no use, Mermaid races despise pirates as they claimed the ocean as their own. I read it in a book that they been fighting for a centuries and now. Blue used her race main power which is telepathy. She used it to contact Leven and her family, she used it while she's in her mermaid form and it seems she's in a deep sleep contacting them. Blue is actually in the bathroom in the bathtub. I leave her alone and slowly closed the door.

While waiting for Blue, I baked some sweets to give them to Blue later. As I wait for her, A knock suddenly appear on my door and I just open them thinking it was the people I know in the village however, a man appeared with a blood on his face and I passed out. The only thing I could remember before passing out was a man Infront of me. When I woke up, I'm in another unfamiliar place. My clothes still intact but in different way. I'm not wearing my clothes anymore but I wore now is a plain white dress like a nightgown and my feet was shackled. I tried to remove it but failed. I got my diary with me as I always put them inside the bracelet Blue give me. It can store small things like my diary and a pen for an example. She keep pestering nonstop of accepting her gift when Leven wasn't around and I just give in.

I could hear the ocean outside and I finally realized that I'm not in the land but now in the ocean. The door opened and I saw the man earlier. I took a closer look and I hate to admit but he's actually handsome and he has great built too. The man was staring at me until he took a step forward closer to mine, hold my chin up and look at me in the eye. He smirked then he sat down next to me. He didn't uttered a single word for a while then I decided to ask him something. I thought he would ignored me but he answered my every question of where, how, what and when. I fell asleep during our conversation, I could hear his voice after I closed my eyes and I regretted. He was gentle during our conversation but he didn't liked the idea of unshackling me. I'm currently in the pirate ship in the cabin of it's captain. The captain on this ship was the one who kidnapped me in my house.

End of the Eleventh Page
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