

Magic Realms Hidden Secrets (chapter three)
Chapter Three.

Away from home.

A shock wave ran through Luna's arm almost making her drop the book from the sheer adrenalin, coursing it's way through her blood fulling power, power so strong she thought she might faint. The room was spinning. She almost screamed, but held back for the fear that she may unleash some terrible omen. There was a blinding light, she wondered if she was seeing death. Could a book kill her? Her eyes seemed to be deceiving her as there was no way- at least she hoped there wasn't any- that she was seeing the silver figure. Luna gasped in absolute shock. Wishing this madness was real but at the same time hoping it wasn't. For the figure standing in the middle of the room was someone Luna believed to be dead. Tears of happiness and confusion ran down her face as she ran to the figure and attempted to hug her, but realised her hand had gone straight through the peculiar silver girl. Luna couldn't speak. The girl smiled sadly at her. Luna couldn't think straight because the silver girl who was standing before her was Ocean, her sister.

"H-ow, w-why, i-I don't understand!?" Luna stuttered, a quaver threatening to steal her voice. Ocean stared calmly at her as if she couldn't see the shocked look on Luna's face. "Luna calm down, your face looks whiter than mine", Ocean joked. At this point Luna could barely breathe from all the butterflies fluttering their wings in her stomach. She couldn't believe her eyes, not only was the silver book-ghost none other than her sister, but the ghost could talk but not be touched. Ocean frowned and appeared to be disappointed at Luna's lack of speech.
"Luna I never thought there would come a day where I have more to say then you do. No? Alright I guess I'll just have to talk to a statue then. Well first of all our mother is evil, this book is an infinite darkness, I miss life in general, I don't know what time, day or year it is, you look dreadful possibly worse than me, I want my body back, I have no idea what room this is and I can't fix this endless torment on my own." Luna just gaped dumbly at her sister. It was as if Ocean was speaking a foreign language in her ears. "Everything about this evening is strange, no absurd", Luna said, still struggling to keep her composure. She had no idea what to think, say or do. All she knew was she would do anything to free her sister from the bounds that tie her to misery and solitude. "How can I help?", Luna asked as if she had suddenly woke up from a day-dream. Ocean quickly explained that she had almost no idea how to break the curse. "I don't know how, but I know where and I know who. You must journey to Evenlake hedge, it is located on the border of Worrandeer. The person who put this wretched curse on me was our mother, in fact I don't even think I can consider her as a mother" Luna knew that Worrandeer was the main capital of Dorian, though she had heard little about Evenlake. She had heard that it was a small town and cared little about the location as she knew the sun and stars would guide her through darkness and blinding light. "When do I leave?"
"Sunrise tomorrow. Oh and take me with you please, I don't like this room in the slightest."
With that Luna went back to her room trying to savour every second of sleep.

Luna was careful to not over sleep. She had packed the day before and was anxious to leave before the household awoke. She crept silently to the kitchen, careful to check if anyone was there. She stashed her leather bag with rations she knew she would need. In her bag she had food, the book and a fresh pair of clothes that would be fit for riding in harsh conditions. Her mind was filled with unease. She had left Mayfield before but it wasn't the same, this time she had no idea how long she would be gone and knew that it could be months. She wanted to tell someone, anyone that she would be gone, but knew that would not be wise. She quietly shut the main door, and wandered down the garden steps. The hedges seemed to mock her, warning her she would not be groomed like them, whispering unheard doubts. She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't notice someone approaching behind her. "Luna, you always brag about being a lady of the court, yet you never seem to act like one".
Luna nearly jumped, but didn't want to give Jacob the satisfaction of knowing he had startled her. She was surprised to not feel uncomfortable around him, especially as she had read his letter. He gave her a confused look and she realised he had asked her a question. "Luna what are you doing?" She didn't know how to answer.
"Come and I'll tell you", she teased. Jacob followed her.

"I'm coming with you", Jacob had said about six times, he had already made up his mind. "You are insane, I said no!"
"Look Luna I couldn't care less about your opinion, there is no way in this world -or in any other world in fact- that I am going to let you wander to some place you have never been all on your own. Don't give me that look."
Jacob proceeded to hop on the front of her horse. She had tried with all her might to give him the most scornful glare she could muster. He not only had taken over her quest, but also her stallion. She wanted to be mad at him, but was relieved instead. She had been stressed the moment she stepped outside until he had appeared. His presence had always calmed her. She hugged him tightly around the waist. Before she knew it her eyes began to well with tears. She couldn't stop them from falling and began to cry. Jacob seemed to notice and his look sofend. "I always forget that you're two years younger then me. To me you've always been the bravest of the both of us." His voice made her feel a little better and some of the tears ceased. "Let me tell you a story".

"Once upon a time-",
"Was 'Once upon a time' really necessary?"
"Ha ha very funny, can I continue now? As I was saying, Once upon a time, you and I were leaving the house to go to the bakery down the street. It was around noon and we were very young, you probably don't remember this." He added. "We were walking down the street, when a man pulled us aside. I was about six at the time, so you were four. The man pulled out something sharp and held it towards your throat. I was petrified. He told me to give him all our bakery money and to show him where your household money was stored. I was about to do what he asked when you stepped in. You told him calmly that it wasn't very clever of him to hold a knife like that and that if he didn't let you go then you would scream and the guards and bystanders would all be alerted that a creepy man was annoying us. He just put you down and ran off. I was pretty much sobbing on the floor, while you told the guards what had happened." He was silent for a moment. "You have always been brave, you may not see it, but you have more courage than me in every way possible. Even now I am as scared as you are, it's just that I am not brave enough to show it, sometimes the bravest thing you can do is allow someone to see your true self."
"Jacob… thank you for always caring for me." She whispered through sniffles. Jacob was the only person who knew her secret, that she could create light. "We should have lunch here, it is the only park in miles."
They sat down on a nearby bench, Luna's horse was obedient and it stayed within sight. Her and Jacob nibbled on egg sandwiches. "Where will we rest tonight", Jacob asked, clearly relishing the little food they had. "I don't know, presumably somewhere in the woods".
"Great we not only have to be miles from home, but now have to sleep on grass, while bugs bite us to death." He moaned. Luna glared at him.
"What Princess, did you think we would be sleeping on the finest feather mattress, in a fancy beach resort?" She mocked. He rolled his eyes, ignoring her barb and continued to eat his sandwich. Luna decided to walk around the park. It was certainly pretty, perhaps because fall had arrived and different colours were tossed around. Luna had always thought of fall as her favourite season. It always had different smells floating around and though the trees were losing their pretty green leaves and beautiful flowers, she was reminded that all things come to an end eventually and besides, wasn't it better to die after having lived then to die unused? Her and Jacob decided that once they reached the forest they would find somewhere to rest for the night. They knew that travelling at nightfall was treacherous.

They had made it to the forest, exhausted from the long ride. "You take the first rest." Jacob offered. Luna gladly agreed. She had never been to the woodlands before. She glanced up at Jacob. His face was dripping with sweat and he looked restless, Luna quickly realised why. Jacob had been afraid of the dark his entire life. Luna had never judged him, as she had her own fears. She pulled him into a small hug, trying her best to comfort him. She conjured just enough light to make out his face and a bit of their surroundings. "Jacob, I won't let anything hurt you", she soothed. He smiled shyly at her, clearly embarrassed. "It's ridiculous to think I will ever join the army." Jacob said, almost to himself.
"Why is that?"
"No courage".
"You say you have no courage, yet you left the only place you called home, knowing perfectly well that you would have to face your biggest fears, just to help me. If that's not courage I don't know what is".
He pulled her closer. "You give me way too much credit", he joked.
"Don't make me take it back".
Luna knew that out of anyone in the world joining her on this quest, she was glad it was Jacob. Suddenly she heard voices approaching fast. Jacob heard them too. She readied herself, not knowing what to expect. "Ah there they are!" One of the voices said. Jacob bolted from their spot, hurdling over one of the bushes, knocking one a lad out. "Wait! Stop!" The girl screamed. Jacob halted. Luna made her way out to where the commotion was. The girl just stared in absolute awe and disbelief. "Let me explain!" She said, clearly unsure whether she too was going to get knocked out. "My name is Amber Lori, and the person you just knocked out is my older brother, Andrew Lori. He isn't very subtle, sorry if we startled you." Luna could see why her name was Amber, her hair was blonde and she had light orange eyes. Her brother looked similar. He had orange hair and Luna was fairly sure his eyes would also be orange, even though she couldn't see them. "Our names are absolutely awful by the way, like seriously both 'A's, thanks a lot parents. Anyway the woods are very broad and well er- we assumed you may need a guide?" Amber asked, eager for an adventure. Luna's instincts told her they were trustworthy. "Can you keep a secret?" Luna offered. Amber grinned wickedly.

Luna was nowhere to be found this morning. Nor was Jacob. I am extremely worried and hopeful they are alright. Lady Astrid threatened me, asking where they were. I just cried, saying I don't know. Some of the servants comforted me, saying things like 'it will be alright', but I know that whatever they are doing must be important. It is funny how when you lose something, you realise it's importance…

-Jessica Lindsay.

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