

shadow of love🖤 3
Chapter 3

Really unbelievable

Nyona looked at the window as the cars stopped Infront of a géant mansion.Her Jew immediately dropped as she saw it .she didn't know how to call it ,but a house it was not !! It was way bigger than that.it was huge that Nyona thought her whole village could actually fit in there.A guard came out and opened the car door and they stepped out.she slowly walked towards it as she looked around,the garden in the spacious front yard wasn't that colourful it was quite simple and the design looked like it was purposely made that way not to attract people's attention.

As she walked closer to the entrance, Nyona felt that the huge house wasn't as simple as it looked outside,now that she was closer,she noticed the exquisite white marble steps on the front door, she could now see that everything, from the walls to the window to the glass ,all looked like a magnificent work of art.'what on earth would the inside look like?'

A butler came out and Mr Zaa told him to take her to her room.

"Miss Nyona ,we are going for an important meeting,I will be back when u are done resting,....take care"

"Thanks sir"

"Miss this way"the butler showed her the way

The white marble floor beneath her feet that seemed to stretch out for miles and the enormity beautiful, chandelier that welcomed her dangled elegantly from high ceiling.The hallway had large and beautiful molded panels which looked very expensive but tasteful.

As she walked through,she also saw small receiving rooms that must have been rooms where people waiting when they came to visit,she was sure that this interior was definitely like those small ancient chateaus.The kind of dwelling one expected to see in Europe.As the butler led her further inside ,the hallway opened up to a larger space,with a large staircase in the center of it .The white marble steps,the bronze handrails on either side as it swept grandly towards the upper floor,mad Nyona gape 'she even started envisioning men in the tailcoat,and women in evening gowns walking up and down those stairs'.

But it didn't stop there ,there was another gigantic chandelier of an incredible vast scale so prettier and breathtaking than the first one she saw .There was also a gigantic fireplace on one side with exquisite marble mantles and mirrored panels. Nyona had never seen extravagance like this.This place was built with money and prestige,just at the look of the house you could tell how rich Mr Zaa was.The butler led her towards the grand staircase which led to the second floor.

As expected, it was even more breathaking than the young floor.what she saw was another large and fancy open space, velvet curtains were tied back to let the sunshine through the Windows and she saw antique looking,brass candelabras which hung on the walls in between the Windows.They each held three candles and she wondered if those candles had ever finished.

Nyona was speechless,there were no words in the English dictionary that could discribe this places .They continued up the stairs and up the third floor.Again ,she was met with a large open area in the middle,but this was smaller than the second floor,it seemed to be the lounge area as there seemed to be couches and coffee tables neatly arranged by the big window overlooking the garden area.This seemed to be where the living quarters were located because she saw doors on either side, which she presumed led to the bedrooms when the butler was about to open the door,a smooth, innocent voice called him.

"Hey Mr butler how are you " there stood an innocent little boy of 5years ,he said those words with a gorgeous smile.

"Hey little, called me by my name"

"Ohhh Mr butler feng "

" Why should you add butler on my name?"

"Because you're a butler and my uncle's name is feng " touching his chin the little boy said" or let me call you big feng and call my uncle, uncle feng " nodding"humm it's better this way".

"Yeah that's a good name,as from today I'm your big Feng" the butler said while caressing the little boys head.The little boy noticed a third person who was different from them ,he looked at his big Feng with questioning eyes before turning back to the stranger.Nyona looked at him with a smile before she spoke.

"Hey pretty boy I am Nyona your guest,tell me what's ur name"?.The little boy kept on looking at her unable to talk he wondered which type of human being she was ,where can a black girl like her come from? He kept on starring at her without any word ,few minutes later before he said" miss my name is Yuan ,you can called me Yuan Yuan ,i am 5 years old happy to meet you " he turned and asked the butler,

"Big Feng,is she your new mate?" The butler was speechless because he didn't know her mission in that house so he just turned and looked at her with questioning look asking her to answer,she noticed it and said,

"Yes I am your new maid,are you happy about that!?"

"No I don't want you to be a maid in this house, grandpa has many maids ,hmm miss i will tell grandpa not to allow you be a maid ,i will instead tell him to give you money so that you will become white like us"he said those words so determined and ready to execute his plans.' if not that the child is innocent and doesn't really know what was saying,she would have taken it for an insult if it was a big person'.

"No my little bun allow your grandpa to decide"

"No miss,I can also help my grandpa to decide for him " when the little bun was still talking, someone called for him.

"Ohh no not again!why the hell is he calling me for?" Answering "yes dick head ling you,it can be for an important reason and ..

" No miss my brother is such a dick head and he disturbs a lots, surely he wants us to play,i don't wanna play with him"

"Yuan Yuan you have to go now,young miss is tired and she needs to rest ,so you should leave now"

"Hey little bun it's okay I will see you later when I'm done resting"

"Miss the food is almost ready and it's almost time for dinner we will be waiting for you"

"Okay no problem my little bun I will be there "

"Ok miss" the little boy was so happy, at least she had a friend, a friend that loved her,so she felt highly welcomed even though she knew many other surprises were awaiting her .

Mr Feng the butler stopped Infront of a tall heavy looking double doors and pushed it open.The room she walked into was so beautiful and welcoming and Nyona had never seen this kind of grandeur and elegance before.

"Miss if you need anything you just have to called me and i will attend to you " the butler said and Nyona quickly shock her head .

"And miss i will be coming very soon to take you for dinner,so you should try and do things very fast".

" And pls what if I don't want to eat now,and come join later".

"No miss you came but just today and you want to change the rules of the house".

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to,it is just a suggestion nothing serious".after those words,she stood there looking around the vast room,a room as big as her whole house straight Infront was a lounge area with some lounge chairs and coffee table.To the right of that was a tall floor to ceiling bookshelf which was covered the right wall,each shelf was filled to the brim with all kinds of books.To the left of the lounge area ,she saw a massive four poster canopy bed dressed with light yellow chiffon curtains hanging from them.They were pulled and tied to the post which showed the bed that was inside it .it look like a king size bed that had blankets and duvets covered in sheets of a floral yellow design.The pillows were inside matching pillowcase.It look so soft that Nyona had the urge to climb on it and jump around like a little kid.

As she looked around,she noticed that her luggage was already in the room ,she looked at the butler with surprise,she didn't see anyone pass them by as they were climbing up the grand staircase so how come her luggage was already here?

The butler seemed to have understood the question and surprise in her eyes,then he smiled.

"I forgot to tell you miss,there is an elevator,if you get tired of using the stairs,you can always use it"

The butler told her to rest due to her long travel. Nyona saw it difficult to rest since she was so eager to know the family members of Mr Zaa.From the look of house you could tell at least 30 people living in here,the mansion was full of uncountable rooms .Her room was felled with a bookshelves.she ran her fingers softly along the spine of the books and sighed with great longing,if only she had the time,she would have loved to read all of these but sadly she didn't have the luxury of time .

As she was lost in her thought,her stomach growled .she looked at the clock and saw that it was already lunchtime.she was not use of this type of lunchtime issues.Back in her country in general and home in particular, they do not follow any protocol before eating.And the room was so empty how can she start walking downstairs in a strange house in searche of food.she was about to lay down and sleep when she heard a knock at the door.

"Good day miss ,I'm here to let you know that lunch is ready"a polite woman around her earlier thirties bowed at her when she opened the door,she was wearing a maid's outfit and she was quite good looking.

💃💃💃thanks for reading, don’t forget to comment and like chapter 4 loading ✅✅
