

You have been through so much, but look at you, you have emerged so strong from the things that once almost made you wanted to end this life, astagfirullah.

You know why you came so far ? why you survived, why you didn't gave up, why you went through all that pain, heartbreak, sorrow, but yet you are still here, after all that you've been through ?

Because, Allah willed it for you, because HE loves you, so HE saved you ! isn't that awesome ? Don't you think we must thank HIM for not giving up on us ? To always be there for us, even at the times we abandoned HIM, HIS help ?

Astagfirullah ! May Allah forgive us for doing so, Allahumma Aameen.

Shouldn't we be grateful for anything and everything that HE has done for us ?

Remember, when you used to cry yourself to sleep, HE was there to comfort you, to look after you, to care for you, to love you ! Even when your parents had no idea about your situations !

May Allah keep you closest to HIM, May Allah protect you from temptations and make it easy for you, Aameen summa Aameen 🖤🖤

© Heartthatspeaks