

what is real
this isn't so much of a story as it is a point of awareness. so bare with me as break down some of what people consider to be known as far as self , reality, and expectations of both self and others.

real. a word that continues to make itself seen as if to trigger a reaction, well in my life all things are and aren't a trigger depending on my mood for the day and the things that trigger me today won't be the same things that do so tomorrow. I've stated a great many of times that the only consistent thing about me is the fact that I remain inconsistent. even my consistencys are only done so , so that people who expect something to remain the same are suddenly taken with surprise and left slack Jawed out in the open and looking rather stupid. it's exactly what's deserved for having expectations in the first place. as someone who is aware both of self and what little it means to be aware of self I can be the first in which to say, there is no such thing as real. nothing makes one person real and another fake. it's a complete illusion people who are totally fake and lie to themselves as well as anyone who will listen tell themselves on a near minute to minute basis simply to uphold their need to somehow better then the people they refer to as fake by.
real is both a truth and a lie depending on what stance you take in very large set of perspectives that no doubt bleed together at a point. it's like this , you aren't real because nothing that makes you real is. everything that makes you who you are was given to you by someone else. your words were taught to you, your values and moral principles were taught to you by family, faith,teachers, friends they aren't inherently yours. I doubt highly you have even stopped to consider wether or not those morals are good or bad and if you did then you have to consider the fact that what we see good and bad as is also a concept taught to us by others. in nature without humans labeling there isn't any such thing as good or evil. it's just actions. chaos. balance. destruction and creation. nature know no difference between these two actions. why should it? exactly it doesn't have that luxury. so your concept of good and bad were given to you as well as your name , your DNA belongs to your parents and their parents before them so that doesn't make you at all more original or real. nor does your style or clothes as someone else designed them. someone else stitched them and weved them together, dyed them the colors or chose the print design that you now consider to be YOUR style. which I ultimately bet that your style was probably thought up entirely by some ass hole in the music scene somewhere and isn't at all original or real to anyone else either. it's just another uniform worn by people who connect through a certain set of ideas or emotions. especially when you consider what you were like when you were a child. I guarantee you weren't "gangsta " you like everyone else wore what your parents could afford, what was practical and most likely had a picture of whatever TV show or cartoon or color you liked most on it. not very gangsta, not very original, but in all honesty probably more real then who you are today actually is. so again as we travel through this breakdown of true awareness and just how pathetically stupid most people's views of themselves and other on the scale of fake to real and who's the most real of them all we are left with this so far nobody especially the finger pointing angry self righteous people are real in any way. in fact they are by far the most fake because they haven't even taken the time to consider what it is they are laying claim to.
next I'll address actions, are actions that which make a person real? I doubt it highly because ones actions are usually based on what they have been taught as far as right and wrong. their moral compass being the guide for how they conduct themselves and if you like most people do what your told is right without question then that doesn't make you a real person either. in fact it makes you very fake because your just blindly following the teaching of people who no doubt are human and most likely fucking things up for the next generation or for their fellow man or for someone because "they didn't know any better" or "that's what everyone has always done " or "I was just doing what I thought was right " funny how our entire existence may come to a horrible end because of those exact words. so chances are good for the most of you actions aren't what make you real. and even if you're one of the people like myself who literally pick apart every little humanly concept put forth by people who think they have a clue, actions change from day to day even if there isn't a good intention or bad intention behind the action itself. I could say chopping wood is a positive thing it's exercise, it's useful to the household to stay warm , it what's always been done and in doing so I have no ill intention whatsoever but because I have now toppled a tree that was providing oxygen and shade, and a place for birds to nest and eat that my positive healthy addition to my household is now a economical disaster and I could be seen as horrible person for creating more carbon by burning wood for heat and removing 1 more life giving tree from existence. both sides of seeing this particular action are correct. so which makes me real. well to me neither because I did so without considering it at all. it was simply something to do at the time because I could. I do it all the time have since I was 11 years old. not even a thought in my mind . it's just what I do because I was taught if you want to stay warm in the winter that's what you have to do. so that action doesn't make me real. that action makes me warm in the winter. let me tell you, there isn't anything more real the freezing your ass off in the middle of winter because you don't have fire wood or the money to pay for the exceedingly high electric bill. that's real. actions change. knowledge changes what or who you know someone as today may have no real bering on who they are tomorrow and you're expectations of that person isn't their problem. nor is it their job to meet said expectations or coddle your hurt feelings when they don't. you can't be upset with a person because who you imagine them being ultimately isn't who they are. that disappointment is your own damn fault. not theirs. just because they aren't who you thought they should be or just because you have this grand image of what or who a person is all made up in your head doesn't mean that's who they are to themselves or want to seen as or whatever. people do things for a lot of reasons. plus who ever really knows what's behind whatever face a person wears simply to survive yet another day with actual fake people. I learned to scary and violent and brutal and unforgiving simply to protect myself from the groups of judgemental people who attack kids like me for being different. I learned to mean because nobody understood that just because I'm nice doesn't mean your allowed to mistreat me , abuse me , ignore my boundaries or take whatever you want from me . the me from when I was a child is a loving sweet person who enjoys cuddling and his over sized teddy bear. which I have to say somewhere in my core he still exists and is probably why I have such a great imagination and a love for toys but because of you monsters who feel that for some reason that that part of a person should be destroyed, made fun of , hardened, hurt , abused, taken advantage of etc, I have to be scarier then you. see I don't retaliate because when and if I have to I take to such an extreme that it can't be undone such a degree that people see what I've done because my boundaries and wishes weren't met when I was being nice about it that I now have to get bad that when I'm done people talk about it for years and years. terrified about what I may do to the next person who crosses me without heeding my pleas of don't make me do that because i take it to levels you have nightmares about I promise you that. which is why people have left BJ jarvis alone a long time. and maybe you should do your homework and go away before I change my mind. how's that for real. real is controlling myself and using positive expressions of self instead of burning your house down while you're asleep in it as it could be. possibly has been. Don't push what real is or you might have a real bad day. real is knowing ones limits . real is choosing to show love and let things go instead of choosing to let others dictate your actions. real is knowing people are looking for a reaction for their shitty behavior because they themselves are self loathing and fake. real is knowing they will believe whatever they want to about you anyway it doesn't affect the person you are unless you allow it to. that's real. real is knowing they aren't worth your anger ,time ,effort or energy. real is knowing everyone is allowed an opinion and it's not your concern what that opinion is because opinions are like ass holes everyone has one and they all stink . mostly because anyone who thinks their opinion matters is of course full of shit.

this isn't so much of a story as it is a point of awareness. so bare with me as break down some of what people consider to be known as far as self , reality, and expectations of both self and others.

real. a word that continues to make itself seen as if to trigger a reaction, well in my life all things are and aren't a trigger depending on my mood for the day and the things that trigger me today won't be the same things that do so tomorrow. I've stated a great many of times that the only consistent thing about me is the fact that I remain inconsistent. even my consistencys are only done so , so that people who expect something to remain the same are suddenly taken with surprise and left slack Jawed out in the open and looking rather stupid. it's exactly what's deserved for having expectations in the first place. as someone who is aware both of self and what little it means to be aware of self I can be the first in which to say, there is no such thing as real. nothing makes one person real and another fake. it's a complete illusion people who are totally fake and lie to themselves as well as anyone who will listen tell themselves on a near minute to minute basis simply to uphold their need to somehow better then the people they refer to as fake by.
real is both a truth and a lie depending on what stance you take in very large set of perspectives that no doubt bleed together at a point. it's like this , you aren't real because nothing that makes you real is. everything that makes you who you are was given to you by someone else. your words were taught to you, your values and moral principles were taught to you by family, faith,teachers, friends they aren't inherently yours. I doubt highly you have even stopped to consider wether or not those morals are good or bad and if you did then you have to consider the fact that what we see good and bad as is also a concept taught to us by others. in nature without humans labeling there isn't any such thing as good or evil. it's just actions. chaos. balance. destruction and creation. nature know no difference between these two actions. why should it? exactly it doesn't have that luxury. so your concept of good and bad were given to you as well as your name , your DNA belongs to your parents and their parents before them so that doesn't make you at all more original or real. nor does your style or clothes as someone else designed them. someone else stitched them and weved them together, dyed them the colors or chose the print design that you now consider to be YOUR style. which I ultimately bet that your style was probably thought up entirely by some ass hole in the music scene somewhere and isn't at all original or real to anyone else either. it's just another uniform worn by people who connect through a certain set of ideas or emotions. especially when you consider what you were like when you were a child. I guarantee you weren't "gangsta " you like everyone else wore what your parents could afford, what was practical and most likely had a picture of whatever TV show or cartoon or color you liked most on it. not very gangsta, not very original, but in all honesty probably more real then who you are today actually is. so again as we travel through this breakdown of true awareness and just how pathetically stupid most people's views of themselves and other on the scale of fake to real and who's the most real of them all we are left with this so far nobody especially the finger pointing angry self righteous people are real in any way. in fact they are by far the most fake because they haven't even taken the time to consider what it is they are laying claim to.
next I'll address actions, are actions that which make a person real? I doubt it highly because ones actions are usually based on what they have been taught as far as right and wrong. their moral compass being the guide for how they conduct themselves and if you like most people do what your told is right without question then that doesn't make you a real person either. in fact it makes you very fake because your just blindly following the teaching of people who no doubt are human and most likely fucking things up for the next generation or for their fellow man or for someone because "they didn't know any better" or "that's what everyone has always done " or "I was just doing what I thought was right " funny how our entire existence may come to a horrible end because of those exact words. so chances are good for the most of you actions aren't what make you real. and even if you're one of the people like myself who literally pick apart every little humanly concept put forth by people who think they have a clue, actions change from day to day even if there isn't a good intention or bad intention behind the action itself. I could say chopping wood is a positive thing it's exercise, it's useful to the household to stay warm , it what's always been done and in doing so I have no ill intention whatsoever but because I have now toppled a tree that was providing oxygen and shade, and a place for birds to nest and eat that my positive healthy addition to my household is now a economical disaster and I could be seen as horrible person for creating more carbon by burning wood for heat and removing 1 more life giving tree from existence. both sides of seeing this particular action are correct. so which makes me real. well to me neither because I did so without considering it at all. it was simply something to do at the time because I could. I do it all the time have since I was 11 years old. not even a thought in my mind . it's just what I do because I was taught if you want to stay warm in the winter that's what you have to do. so that action doesn't make me real. that action makes me warm in the winter. let me tell you, there isn't anything more real the freezing your ass off in the middle of winter because you don't have fire wood or the money to pay for the exceedingly high electric bill. that's real. actions change. knowledge changes what or who you know someone as today may have no real bering on who they are tomorrow and you're expectations of that person isn't their problem. nor is it their job to meet said expectations or coddle your hurt feelings when they don't. you can't be upset with a person because who you imagine them being ultimately isn't who they are. that disappointment is your own damn fault. not theirs. just because they aren't who you thought they should be or just because you have this grand image of what or who a person is all made up in your head doesn't mean that's who they are to themselves or want to seen as or whatever. people do things for a lot of reasons. plus who ever really knows what's behind whatever face a person wears simply to survive yet another day with actual fake people. I learned to scary and violent and brutal and unforgiving simply to protect myself from the groups of judgemental people who attack kids like me for being different. I learned to mean because nobody understood that just because I'm nice doesn't mean your allowed to mistreat me , abuse me , ignore my boundaries or take whatever you want from me . the me from when I was a child is a loving sweet person who enjoys cuddling and his over sized teddy bear. which I have to say somewhere in my core he still exists and is probably why I have such a great imagination and a love for toys but because of you monsters who feel that for some reason that that part of a person should be destroyed, made fun of , hardened, hurt , abused, taken advantage of etc, I have to be scarier then you. see I don't retaliate because when and if I have to I take to such an extreme that it can't be undone such a degree that people see what I've done because my boundaries and wishes weren't met when I was being nice about it that I now have to get bad that when I'm done people talk about it for years and years. terrified about what I may do to the next person who crosses me without heeding my pleas of don't make me do that because i take it to levels you have nightmares about I promise you that. which is why people have left BJ jarvis alone a long time. and maybe you should do your homework and go away before I change my mind. how's that for real. real is controlling myself and using positive expressions of self instead of burning your house down while you're asleep in it as it could be. possibly has been. Don't push what real is or you might have a real bad day. real is knowing ones limits . real is choosing to show love and let things go instead of choosing to let others dictate your actions. real is knowing people are looking for a reaction for their shitty behavior because they themselves are self loathing and fake. real is knowing they will believe whatever they want to about you anyway it doesn't affect the person you are unless you allow it to. that's real. real is knowing they aren't worth your anger ,time ,effort or energy. real is knowing everyone is allowed an opinion and it's not your concern what that opinion is because opinions are like ass holes everyone has one and they all stink . mostly because anyone who thinks their opinion matters is of course full of shit.
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