

Dating Him Ch 6
The driver was an African.Very presentable and polite.He asked Collins where we were heading to.

''Take us to My Best Friend restaurant.''He replied gazing at me admiratively.
I felt a little uncomfortable with that gaze.
I must confess he was a very handsome Italian.
He felt how crispy I was and he took my hands to reasure me.

''You will enjoy the place.It's exclusively African meals".

"Oh really!That's great I miss home meals very much."

"You will soon be served."

Few minutes later we were infront of a giant building.I could relate to many humans there.It felt like all the Africans in Milan were eating here.

We took a table.I was so tensed that I suggested the driver come eat with us.Collins laughed.

"Hey dear I won't bite you!"

We ate a Senegalese speciality. Jellof rice and cabage.It was so appetising.I later learned that the restaurant was run by a group of Africans from different countries.
We talked little while we ate.I was very hungry but I had to behave.I wanted to carry some to my hotel room but I hesitated and let go the idea.
I suddenly grew angry because of that.
I was missing being me because Him left me all alone here with a total stranger .

Collins kept smiling durring the after dinner.He struggled to make me feel at ease.
After a glass of wine, so much changed.We talked about the main differences that existed between our cultures.He was very eager to visit Africa after the stories I told him.

''I need to go to bed Collins.Can we leave now?"

''I thought we would go clubbing after this.''He replied perplexed.

I hastily objected.I knew Him will not like this.He never appreciated it when I dansed with someone else.How would he suggest his colleague take me to a club?

It was 9 Pm and no message from Him.I did not know what to think.I grew nervous.I pretended I had a headache for Collins to take me back to my room.He did just that,waving me goodbye downstairs.
I felt so free on my bed.I was waiting for a message from Him.I wanted to tell him how I spent my day.He did not write to me that day...
© Abigail Ekangouo