

About Me!
My real name is Ava Newton ._. And i live in Ameriaca,Ohio but im not saying what city hehe the charecter (Rena) comes from my sister and a friend of mine! Her looks and style comes from your truley ME >:) of course. I came up with this series so it can show how much people can go through and peolple can care. The name Jimmy came from.. well i dont even know i just wanted a funny name to give myself so yeah... And yes I do habe anxiety so i make books to help with stress. The art is not mine, it comes from a book called I Love Yoo on an app called Webtoon. Also im a girlMy parents are sadly devorced and they devorced when i was like 9 i think.. It was really tough for me, my sister, and my mom. i live my mom and its really rough me and my sister help with all of her stuff. She is an amazing mother! i have two half brothers Kyle and Louis. Kyle is the BEST brother in the WORLD 🌎 i love him so much, hes married now! And Louis, i dont really know him that well, i have only met him like 3 times in my whole life...oop-. Well thats about me!!!