

Love is Love ❤
we often judge people and makes criterias about certain people and things and relationships. Why does it always need to be in certain manner to be loved and accepted?
Why can't we accept them as they are. We don't know what people go through on daily basis to be accepted because they don't want to be left out. To be in someone's close circle we often behave out of our comfort zone.
we pretend to be someone else. In this whole process we start loosing ourself. We gets tired by faking it out. There's a saying fake it till you make it. but in this harsh so called modest world not every one makes it to the end.
It makes you feel hollow and unworthy. Love is something which makes you real and raw. It doesn't need to crave for acceptance.
Love gives you freedom of being you. so if you're in love just be urself. ❤
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