

Unconditional Love- true love 💕
In a village there was one girl poor family background but lived happily with her family. Like other girls she always wanted to live rich lifestyle like wear beautiful dresses, do makeup and enjoy her life but that was not possible so she would always dream of her Prince charming every night that he will come one day and take her away with him and change her life ans complete all her wishes but She knew that would never happen because of her poor background any she knew that no rich boy will ever fall in love with her but she would still dream as that would make her happy. Somewhere deep inside her heart she would wish that her dream should come true one day.

She was a very beautiful girl, tall and fair and with long hair, her smile was very cute and she was very helpful in nature. Where ever she would go she would spread happiness and love. Also, by God grace she was blessed with a very beautiful voice. listening to her people would become her fan of singing.

She was studying in their village college and in their college and even village she would participate in every function and sing there. All would love her singing very much and appreciate her everytime. One day a college in town organised event and kept competitions like singing, dancing and fashion show and all colleges had to participate. As that girl was blessed with beautiful voice her college principal told her to participate but she was not ready to participate because she didn't had good clothes to wear for competition and as that was in town she knew that girls and boys would dressup very nicely, the principal knew that if she goes she would definitely win so he wanted her to go refuse to listen to her excuse and told her to go and she dint had any option rather then going so she agreed. For going town college she wanted good clothes so once she reached home she started searching best dress from her wordrope and she finds one which was given to her by her cousin sister on her birthday that was beautiful blue gown and that only she had to wear for competition.

On the day of competition she goes to town with her other friends. As they were entering the college a boy came to welcome them and he looked at that girl wearing beautiful gown, looking at her beauty and simple look he felt like he never saw such a beautiful girl and he just fell in love with her and the girl even fell in love with that handsome boy. When she saw him she even felt like yes his the one, he is my prince charming my dream boy but then she realised that she was from poor status and boy like him handsome and rich boy would never like her .

Then the competition was started and the girl was called on the stage for performing her song. The boy was very busy with event work. Once the girl had started her singing with her beautiful voice all were shocked and amazed to hear beautiful voice. All were coming near stage to see who was singing and like all that boy even couldn't stop him from coming there inspite of being busy and to his surprise it was the same girl whom he had seen on entrance. He was so happy to see her and he was totally in love with her singing not only because of her voice but beacuse her singing was fully filled with emotions. After finishing the song all were appreciating the girl and she was very happy.

After all competitions were done it was prize distribution ceremony and had got first prize in singing and she was called on stage to give her prize, she couldn't explain her feelings and happiness and was overwhelmed with emotions as she was best singer among all other colleges there. After prize distribution all students were going home and the boy was searching that girl in college to talk to her but he couldn't find her as she had already left still hee ran to college gate to see if he could find her but to his badluck she was gone.

The boy anyhow wanted to meet that girl but he didn't have her details so he went to participants list and he found her name and her college and their village name and he decided to go to their college and meet her so next morning only he went to their village and went to her college but he couldn't find her but he still didn't return back he was waiting near college bus stand to see whether he finds her . Full day from morning to afternoon he was sitting there and waiting to see if he see her but she didnt see her than college bell rang and he thought that then he might see her so he was standing up to see whether she comes and then finally he saw her coming towards bus stop with her friends. She saw him standing there and smiling at her and she was surprise and even she was feeling shy as she was not wearing good stylish cloths but as liked him she too was smiling and walking towards him. He asked her whether she remember him? she said " yes, I do remember you " then she asked him what work did he had in their village? and then the answer she got was very shocking. He told her that he had a very important work and he had to do it anyhow that work was to search and meet her and tell her that from the time he saw her and heard her voice he just fell in love with her and if he wouldn't tell her that then he would not feel relaxed. He told her that even after event was over he was searching her but couldn't find her so he was very upset so he found her information from participants form decided to come and meet her there. He also told her that he couldn't sleep full night after he saw her. The girl was very happy and she couldn't understand what to do and how to react to that but her status thought stopped her. She knew her status so she told him that she find herself very lucky that handsome boy like him love her but she was very sorry as she told him that she was from poor family background and not of her status not good one for you. The boy was very upset listening to her not because she was poor because she thought that because of her status he would go away from her and stop loving her so he told her to make her realise his love was pure that if he would see status and love her then he wouldn't travel all way from town to village just to tell her that he love her, he didn't wanted to loose her so he had come there he requested her not to misunderstand his love for her and he love her and not her status. She was very happy by listening to him and she even expressed all her feelings for him and then they started their relationship.

Then after their college was done the boy sended his parents to girl place with marraige proposal and girl's parents has accepted the proposal and they were very happy that their girl had got such a nice proposal and then they were married and lived happily together.

The girl dream was finally completed, she had got her Prince charming and she was very much happy after that. She always wanted to live life like queen and that was now posible for her beacuse of her dream boy.

So, true love doesn't see you status or background , only thing matters is behaviour and pure soul.. love is always unconditional and unlimited..💕
