

Thought life was simple
When i was a toddler
There were few things i wanted to be
Loads of things
But as i went on growing
It stuck me its not that easy
To be any of those
So i refined my ideals a bit
And it turned into an ideal girl thing
Yes that was it
But i am not an ideal girl or teenager either
Now when i look at myself
And think
I feel proud
Now that's funny Zamsi
You haven't achieved anything still you feel proud?
How the fuck?
But yes i do
I feel proud of being me
Of being Zamsi
Of all the things i could be
I am me
And i am
And i know that
And i don't need anybody to tell me that
I know who i am
I have been through a lot
Yet i haven't lost myself
I survived
I breathe
I live
I steal moments of happiness in this chaos around me
I love
I laugh
I fight
I am me
Am not someone else
Don't ever compare me to someone that wouldn't hesitate to put a knife behind my back.
© Zamsi