

I was in love with someone...
I was in love with someone who was never mine .Sometimes he used to make me feel very special ,but most of the time he made me feel as I am nothing (dumb girl) on this planet .

Many times I decided that today I will end this relationship and tell him the truth that I am not happy with you .
But then my heart would stop me and direct me to wait and made me feel that one day everything will be right .

Then my brain used to direct me "you don't have much time " change your mind and move on as he was making me weak day by day . But I always prefered feelings of my heart . I can not hurt him .

He was a very funny boy who always used to crack jokes to make me laugh. But sometimes he used to be serious and tensed regarding his future , his job, his wife . But this seriousness would be hardly of one minute ,as most of the time he used to be non serious.He wanted a very beautiful wife but this was never me,as he said on the first day itself that I cannot marry you girl but I love you ..

I cannot assure you that he was truly in love with me or not , but I can assure myself that I was madly in love with him and was ready to accept the way he was.

He used to talk to me about his personal life . Like he had dated three more girls like me and I was the his fourth . Sometimes he used to talk to me about his friends . These things made me cry many times . Many times I used to think that he is not interested in me and more interested in my friends and other girls and many times he made me realize this thing .I warned him many times but he used to say" I am joking "and don't take my words serious .

As the days passed , we stopped texting each other and rarely one in twenty days we used to talk .
I don't know what was the real reason behind this . I think it was an ego problem and actually we started loosing interest in each other .

One night, I finally ended this relation and talked to him rudely with attitude so that he can loose interest in me. I asked him to leave me . He replied
' okk ' and after little conversation we stopped talking to each other .

After few days I tried to approach him again .But this time he was no more interested in me and my messages . He said you have told me forget everything and move on " I did it" and one day you know we have to end this conversation and talks .So think that today is that day ,So byeee forever ... like this the conversation ended and he blocked me.....

I think he would be now in another relationship with someone else and would be more happy and enjoying his life to the fullest...