

Bye bye sometimes I'm quiet, helloooooo... I don't know yet
Soooooo... you know how I just LOVE to make people slightly agitated? Wellllll... I'm sorry, but my followers are now my next victim! And I'm sorry, I don't want to cut off the "Sometimes I'm quiet" series, but I showed my friends and they said and I quote, "It's absolute trash. Write something interesting. You can do better." So sadly, I have to cut it off. Buuuuut, I'm actually starting a new series, I don't know what it's called yet, and I REALLY shouldn't be doing series, but, here I am, doing stuff I probably shouldn't! So, yeah. I probably shouldn't have wrote an entire thing about it, but womp womp. I'm sorry, but I'll make up for it! And thank you for reading this, because if you didn't and you saw that I'm not working on that series anymore, I bet you'd be mad too!! So thank you for supporting me through all of this, and if you're still following after this, thank you so, so, SO much. Byeeeeee!