

for months I waited,
stared at my phone thousand times a day hoping for anything, anything at all...
then I gave up waiting,
I gave up staring at my phone,
i stopped hoping that maybe, just maybe ...
do you know the toughest thing in life is uncertainty?
when you are not certain about what's next,
nor certain about what you want nor what you want to happen, everything seems blurry and confusing, then you start to doubt the process or worse even doubt yourself...
Even though things sometimes do not turn out the way we want it, there are also good news every now and then and because we kept our hopes alive, we take every surprise life gives us in every step of the way...
so here is my little tansition story on how far this housewife have come to achieving her dreams...
i received a life changing Email today and I'm here for it!
© ogechukwu