


Just to clear things up...A lot of times when a woman leaves a long term relationship the man’s very first thoughts are “she found someone else" or “how could she do this 😡“ all this time together“ and so much more, BUT what some men don’t think about is all the times she went to sleep feeling like crap because of all the times that he disrespected her or how he kept saying he would change but never did...Men don’t think about all the times she was there when no one else was. How she prayed to help him change. Men don’t think about how she always put everyone and everything before herself. Men don’t think about how all her friends and family told her to walk away but she still stayed. No...all men can think is “how could she do this” ...women don’t just wake up one day and decide to leave. A mans actions, his words, the way he makes her feel builds up over time and eventually all his crap becomes this weight that she just can’t carry anymore. When she stops venting to you, when she stops getting on you, when she stops trying to get you to see things her way just know it’s not because you won and finally she’ll put up with everything, it’s because she’s preparing her escape from your toxic ways. So no she didn’t leave you to find someone else . She left so she can find HERSELF. 👌

Appreciate your woman while you have her fellas... Because she will get the courage to walk away one day.

Ladies...know and realize your worth, love yourself!! ❤️

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