

Days of Blossom

Our days are like blossoms in several ways... Feelings were allowed to be maintained for a long period... As though they were roses in full bloom.
And as the blossoms fall just once each winter, yet in our memories, they still fall every day.
Reminding us of a dear brother who sadly and quietly went away.

It was on a lively Saturday night, when everyone was out having fun, excluding my dear brother Paul who had returned home after another hard day at work.
It was an evening just like any other evening, he had dinner, spent some quality time with his family, showered and climbed into bed next to his beautiful wife Angela.
To her, all appeared well; they chatted , watched a bit of tv to catch up on the news and made love before falling asleep in each other's arms.
But during the early hours of the morning, his wife Angela woke up to Paul's heavy snoring. She nudged him to be quiet, this had worked several times before.
However, on this occasion, he continued to snore. Angela nudge Paul again, and whispered in his ear"babe, you're disturbing my sleep with your over the top snoring,"
But Paul's snoring continued and appeared to be getting louder, at this point Angela sat up in bed and switched on the night light.
She then noticed that Paul was lying flat on his back and was foaming at the mouth.
Angela was in shocked, she started calling out his name while shaking him in her attempt to wake him up.
But this proved to be an impossible task, Angela then called the emergency services and upon their arrival declared life extinct.
It was a sad day in April, 2017, when my darling brother went to bed and never woke up.
And then a cloud of unexplained sadness started following us around. We didn't lose just 24 hours of happiness, joy & bliss, but a lifetime of happiness.
First came shock, and then tears, and then a bitter anger, followed by a softer grief that they claim time would finally wear away.
With the realisation that his smile could no longer light up the darkest room, his voice could no longer lift us out of our grumpy moods.
And for months it felt as though life itself had come to a sudden stop, followed by a discomfort which surrounds you as you grieve. And an awkwardness which causes even the most well-intentioned person to become unsure of what to say. Which left us feeling even more distress and alone, wishing for a little sympathy to soften this awful feeling.
But was instead left to comfort ourselves with his memories.
And that's when you realised that there is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present of all your grief.
And every sensation is so dull, the pain becomes so severe that the body can no longer feel it, it's then replace with a devastating numbness, very difficult to explain.
I just wish that all this painful emotion could be pour out with my tears and bring me a rush of relief.
His life ended so sadly, leaving us with so much tears pain and grief
He left this world so quickly
And left us rotting in disbelief
But there is no grief which time does not lessen and soften, even the grief that does not speak.
And although he fell from our lives just like leaves falling from the tree.
We are left to rely on time and thinking to grant us some much needed relief.
But quite unfortunately, there is no expiration date on grief
And each of us will leave this life the same way we enter it-totally alone, and without prior notice!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo