

Book review of A thousand splendid suns
Hi! Day before yesterday I finished a thousand splendid suns which was amazing and beautiful book you should read this book it talks about the situation of Afghanistan people, especially women. I cried reading that book I loved it so much the characters were also well written. I love the character of Lalia, Tariq and Mariam and in the end of the part three you will definitely cry and if not I don't know which thing will make you cry but it is so beautiful book. This book is written by Khalid Hussaini. I would rate this book 5 stars. And if you have read this book please comment your opinion on this story because I love this book and it is worth of buying and also about pratilipi app I'm working on a story which is not toothfairy I'll soon write so I will inform you very soon so bye and if you want to write a story you can just go to the app it is too good... Bye and thankyou
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