

Phsycedelic Substances and Awakening .
About Psychedelic Substances and Awakening.

When I was around 20 years old, one of the experiences I partook in was psilocybin through magic mushrooms. I had them twice. The first time I took too much and the experience was so intense I was just trying to survive the experience......The second time I only took a small dose and had the most amazing experience. I ate only a few small mushroom caps, and then we decided to go for for a walk. I had been smoking Marijuana as well, which is a mild hallucinogen. It was night time and I lived on a quiet country road. You could see the stars in the sky. At first, I felt fear after taking them. But, as I walked I calmed and the effect started. I became unable to feel my body, but I was still controlling my body using my awareness. I felt myself directing my body using only my awareness, which is how we all direct our bodies although we don't usually realize that we are.
A car passed us on the road and left a long streak of light as it passed, as well as a prolonged doppler effect sound that lasted far longer than it normally would have. We were talking but sounds and physical things were acting in strange ways. Everything around me had a glow and a living vibrance. Then, the most profound thing I saw and experienced took place. We reached a part of the road where the trees were more open, and I could see more of the sky. As I looked up at the sky, I saw a web that was interconnecting all things in reality together. I didn't fully realize what I saw at the time, but shortly after I realized I had seen the body of God.

We and all things are a part of the body of God. The body of God that we are a part of is the web that connects and binds all things. The nature of psilocybin in magic mushrooms is that it goes into your body and causes a temporary ego death. It causes a sort of near-death experience where you are partially disengaged from your physical form, or at least a large part of you is. It gives you a glimpse outside of your false identification with your mind and body to your true perception as perceiving awareness within the physical form.

What you are perceiving is the blending of the astral plane and the physical plane as you are under its influence. You are able to see what is normally hidden from you by your false identification with your ego mind and physical body. This is why psychedelics when used in a healthy fashion and under proper supervision can help to heal mental illness. They help the one who partakes to break the hold that their ego mind has on them as the perceiving awareness. This is amazing for someone who may suffer from a strong unhealthy pattern of mind and unawareness. Because after the experience you can never go back to the same level of unawareness that you had before.

The spell has been broken, as you have forcefully separated for a little while from that false view. This is also why for some that the experience can be terrifying. The ego-mind is terrified of death and dissolvment, and anything that threatens its view of reality will be a scary thing. For those who are ready, it is a reveling of what is already known on a deeper level. On the soul level where enough maturity has already taken place to find the experience less of a threat, due to the strength of the already present advanced soul-level awareness. There are more holistic ways of course, such as meditation and prayer. After having the experience, I would caution anyone to not take these experiences lightly. I now teach there is a better way. Which is to pray and simply ask God to enlighten you. But having said this, part of my path of awakening was to partake in these substances. And this is the nature of these substances. They are hard on the body and should be used with respect or not at all. But I wanted to explain the nature of these substances, for those with a curiosity to know what they actually to do a human being when taken.
As dictated by our Spirit Guides and my Higher Self.

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© Zakary Reif - JustasK -

Image by katherine Hanlon on Unsplash