

Most of the people around are ready to love us now at this moment but the problem is that they are just available for now.

With the passage of time, some of us will turn like we had never known each other or we do pretend so. They might not even mind moving to someone better than you, someone more interesting than you are because they have no time to wait for you, they will move on because they think, you're not worthy enough to wait for.......
But they are not worthy to have you.

Someone who never changes no matter if they find someone more interesting, more better or more rich or more understanding than you are; their love towards you never changes. They don't turn back on you no matter how busy they get or what their life brings to them. Keep in mind they are never perfect so don't ignore their all good for one mistake.

Never stay for someone who don't want you to stay.

And never give up on someone who lives for you.

Treat everyone the same way because what you will do with others, it's gonna turn back to your fate.

Try holding on with the people who hold on to you no matter what you are because they won't leave you unlike the ones who get interested in you temporarily and leave as soon as they do find a new one.

In the end, all that matters is:
"Who loves you rather than whom you love"

And in the whole life, there is only one person who will stay, everyone else leaves.
© lostsoul