

The Apocalyptic Thesaurus - An Original Novel


The novel contains descriptions of violence and swearing. Viewer discretion is advised.

Chapter One - Chaos Ensues

The story starts off in the 18th century. Every people in the United Kingdom wears their fancy clothes to go to a celebration they are gonna attend. It is the 5th of November, with a young man in the crowd, covering his face using a hood to hide his identity. Looking at the guards, holding out their guns. He starts to sweat. Suddenly one guard pokes the young man's body with his gun

"Hey, who are you?" The guard said as he inspects the young man with suspicion on his face because he noticed both his hands are enclosed as he began to shake

A paper suddenly fell onto the closed left hand of the young man, as the guard picks up the paper, before he knew it, the young man runs away

The guard looks at the paper, and is confused, as it contains ancient symbols, similar to the place of the King Of United Kingdom

He looks at the direction where the young man ran. Runs after him, as he holds the letter before eventually tells the people to move, much to their annoyance

The streets of London, is very busy due to the celebration, with so much gunpowder being created with merchants working tirelessly to provide for their family

The guard catches his breath, as he looks up the sky. Rain starts to pour on the ground

He starts to look everywhere, but the young man can't be found near his sight. Anger starts to build up in his body, ready to arrest the guy

"That son of a bitch!" He said to himself, as the rain soaks his clothes

Meanwhile the young man is now far away from sight and finds an alleyway where someone is waiting for him

The young man asks "Wh- who are you?"

"Boss, it's time" A voice of a man can be heard and shows himself to the young man

"Good?" The young man says as he picks something from his pocket - an anonymous mask designed to protect his identity from everyone

Before he says as he puts the mask in his face

"We agreed that at exactly 9:30, everything will be in chaos, the Gods must choose between saving themselves or their own people" The young man said, now his voice has changed because of the mask

"Let them know who we are" He said to the man in the alleyway, as he nods

Both the man and the young man looked up in the sky

"It is gonna be a beautiful celebration. Pray in the morning, the creatures will stay at night" The young man says in a dark tone

Meanwhile, the guard who is chasing him earlier is running somewhere London, where there are people around and bumps into a female guard, guarding the area

"Hey watch it!" She said as she cocks back her shotgun, pointing directly at his face, before suddenly she stops

"Maxwell?" She said as she slowly starts recognizing him

He nods in a hurry

Before he breathes

"Are you okay?" She said

"I- ne- need your help and get out the area where the Celebration will be held" He started shaking

"Someone will die" He says before he hears an explosion somewhere, near the area both himself and the female guard are in. Before his natural instinct was to follow the sound, before seeing people running. He stops at his tracks as he sees a group of people shooting the running people

Before the person in the middle of the group cocks his gun to the guard, shocked at what he had seen

"Happy Celebration, everyone" He shots the guard up, the guard could see blood on his body as his vision starts to get blurry, and hears men laughing. He passed out

End of Chapter One
© Hazmatsuite