

Those positive vibes in her eyes
I spotted that dainty girl just outside by office talking with someone kilometres outside my office. My eyes sticked to her face with an invisible glue. Neither I was not able to remove it nor did I wanted to. Her eyes were of ocean blue colour and was enough to kill a person. No one can control itself from drowning in her deep eyes. It was enpugh to express her feelings.
She was wearing sky coloured salwaar-kameez with white dupatta and her long hairs with side parting added brightness in her look.I could clearly see positive vibes in her charming eyes.My daydreams broke when I heard the horn of the car who was standinding just behind me. I had put my hand on my forehead and started walking on my way to my car which was parked few metres away. I sat in my car and started driving it towards my home. Just 2 kilometres away, I saw the same girl standing there and asking for lift. I gave her the lift. While driving, she was looking towards me very carefully. To break the scilence, I sais " Ok, I know I haven't shaved since last monday. And looking like a wild animal". To my utter surprise, she replied " But I could not see". I suddenly stopped the car and said " You are blind! then how could you have such gorgeous eyes?". Girl replied" Are you Prashant Mehra- the Direcor of the company named Golden wings?". It added to my shock. I replied-"Yes! but how do you know?". She continued-"I know you since the time when you joined this company." "Now you might say than I am blind then how could I know you",she added. "From your smell, I felt your presence." I started to drive and said" that's impressing". "But how you can have such pretty eyes?". Now clouds of sadness could be clearly seen in her eyes. She replied in low voice........

Story will be continued in next parts. Stay tuned. And plzz tell how was the first part.
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