

Importance of mother
Today, I am going to tell some lines on mother.

When I talk about mother. It gives pleasure feelings.
She is come after the father. If the father is head of of the family.So, mother is thread of the family. They made a home for own children.We can't pay the fee of their services of love. Their love is so unique in whole over the world. Mother is show only happiness in front of children.But she never show the pain of her heart, if she has. "Maa" is a word who listen this word he automatically miss her mom and goes into mother's dreams. In animals, "MAA" is always loves to her children so much. She can't see her children in any trouble. Mother is a role of God who has everyone. So, respect the mom and love the mom. I love my mom so much .🥰🥰😍😍😍😍