

My aim for life
Everybody should have an aim and ambition in life. There are, however some persons who do not am for their life. Without aim, life is like a ship sailing without destination.They complain of hard times and blame their fate.While choosing an aim for life, we have to hope for the best and get prepared for the worst.We should focus on our aim and work hard to achieve.All of us have different aims. Some wanted to became a police while some wanted to became a doctor.So, different people adopt different aims according to their inclination.Right aims means right life and wrong aim means wrong life.So, we should be very alert while deciding and aim.The success of life depends upon the well planned aim.However, I want to became a doctor but it's not easy yet.I have to work hard and focus on studies. I aimed that I will clear the entrance exam in my first attempt. I should have patience and treat my patients with a smile. I should be provide them treatment in very low and affordable cost. I dreamt to take free seminars to share my knowledge to others who wants to became a doctor like me. My aim is to become a doctor, who helps everyone and who is really faithful. I know that becoming a doctor is hard but I'll remember that it is a noble profession also. I give my full effort to complete my aim.