

I Love You!
The three little words.
Which can mean the world for someone,
Which can heal someone, Which can make someone.
For me this words are special, rare beautiful. Only to be said when you mean it truly, deeply, honestly.
I am a bit retro, for me love is magic which happens suddenly, mysteriously, uniquely.
As Love is something to be expressed in your actions, in your words, your behaviour, you manners. Because when you fall in love you do stuff that is good, the one that cherishes your loved one.
You don't realise when you start to change for that person, it makes you do things you never expected to do. It makes you learn new things, explore your inner self even more. Your hidden talents are out, your beauty enhances more. You see, you smile, that smile is prettiest, that smile is direct from your soul. So I guess, when you see your love, your heart beats fast, you lose your sense, who smile bright, it's so electric as if time has paused, and you're the only one in the world.
The energy you feel, so positive.
Now that is how it actually begins, it is magical if that is how it continues till the end.
When you love, make sure you will continue to love in your bad days, in your good days, in your happy days, in your sad days, in your normal days in your worst days, in your calm days in your chaos days.
Time changes, so does situation, so can people. But love should not change.
Be transparent as much as you can.
Be it your angels or your demons.
If your bad side is very scary as you can judge yourself, make sure you change it or chain it. You should not let your bad side get hold of you and ruin your prettier thing in this life.
And love as much as you can, But Don't expect you will be loved in return too.
Think of it as a reward you give, for the person who made your soul smile.
I know Give and take is must.
Give and give and give can exhaust.
If that's the case, It's okay if you leave.
It is okay if you're not meant to be together, it is okay if you're separated. But remember there used to be a time when you loved her so pure. And that purity should not fade away. Respect the time and the person.
But if the love disgust you or abuse you and made you feel guilty or regret. Than leave it this instance. Bury it away. And no more waste your time in mending or healing one relationship. Because that is a storm the one where you won't find peace.
Break free. Love is beautiful. And you will find that beauty eventually. No rush.

© min-min