

Camping Trip Gone Wrong
One hot summer day six friends decided they all should go on a camping trip everyone was very excited because they haven't been around each other in years so hay why not ??

Alex , Jack , Kim , Amber , Deon & Lisa Six Friends Reunited ..

Alex:Wow i can't believe it's been five years

Deon:Bro i was just saying that after college everyone just split

Amber:Well all that matters is that we all showed up today clearly we all missed each other

Lisa:Right we love each other so we are going to have an amazing weekend

Jack:We will be best friends till death I love you guys and it's 10:15 a.m we should get on the road this is a six hour drive

Deon:Ok we need to head to the store & load up on things we need

Kim:Omg yes some of us we have a dramatic act if they don't have snacks on a six hour drive

Alex:Shut up kim ( All Laugh )

So we stop by the store we got food , beer , little games and some of everything we check out , gassed up now we are finally on the road heading to the camping/cabin we would go to as kids

Amber:We haven't went camping in a very long time

Lisa:Since we was kids

Jack:We camped outside

Kim:And our parents camped in the cabin

Alex:Honestly i think our parents was scared of the bugs outside

Deon:Or maybe they just wanted us to have our kids time while they had their adult time

Lisa:Hmm , well let's turn up the music and enjoy the ride jack if you get tired of driving one of the guys wouldn't mind taking over right boys

Deon & Alex:We got you

Jack:Thanks guys , let's turn the music up

Now we are four hours in alex offered to drive we left jack house at around ten , made it to the store around eleven finally got on the road at 11:26 a.m now it's 3:38 pm we was all laughing , singing and dancing in the van we finally made it thank god it's now 5:40 p.m time to set up camp before the sun goes down

Kim:My legs

Alex:Wow this place still looks the same

So we all set camps up , started the fire since my parents owned the cabin I had the keys so we showered inside once everyone showered we told stories by the fire time is going by it's now two in the morning

Jack:We should all get some rest we have a long day ahead

Everyone is now in their tents getting some rest , around five in the morning it was a bad thunderstorm so we all had to run carrying some of our things into the cabin everyone was mad at me because I forgot to check the weather

Amber:Really Jack

Jack:I'm sorry guys

so it rained that whole day , we played board games then kim thought we should spice things up because we are all grown now

Deon:What do you have in mind ?

Kim:Let's play truth or dare

Alex:I'm down

So we all agreed to play truth or dare and let's just say the game got very spicy

Kim:Amber truth or dare


Kim:Ok i dare you to take off your top and go stand by the cliff

Jack:Kim come on , amber you don't have to do that

Amber:It's cool we all know how kim is so come on guys let's go outside

so we all go outside now remember it's been raining all day grass is wet soil is very gushy so we all walk to the cliff lisa gets upset with kim because of what she wants amber to do so now everyone is yelling at each other then we hear amber scream then a loud splat now everyone is freaking out

Lisa:Kim its all you're fault

Jack:I knew this was a bad idea

Deon:How are we going to save her

Alex:We gotta call the police

Kim:No , it's going to look like we killed her think about it

Lisa:Oh no it's all you're fault

Kim:I didn't make her do it she

Jack:ENOUGH in the morning we will go down there for her

Lisa:Are you serious she can be hurt

Jack:I know but we can't see anything

Deon:And she hasn't said anything either

Alex:What if she's


So we all agreed we will go outside and check for amber in the morning , but no one could sleep our friend fell off a cliff and it's nothing we could do lisa left the living room and went and called 9-1-1 but it didn't work it's no service so even if we needed to call the police we was out of luck the sun comes up at 7:26 a.m here so we had a lil wait time we ended up falling to sleep 7:30 a.m came & we all went out to look and we didn't see amber's body we started to panic

Lisa:What if a bear took her

Kim:I feel so bad

Alex:And you should why did you always want amber to do things like that

Deon:Really alex , because kim is jealous , because you like amber

Alex:Kim is that true

Kim:Oh come on alex you knew

Alex:Kim you know how I feel about her

Kim:Then why did we sleep together


Lisa:All this over a guy that doesn't want you our friend body is gone what do we do now

Kim:We leave and don't say anything to anyone

Deon:People will ask for her

Kim:We all will say we came back for our camping trip and we all went our separate ways

Alex:I don't like this idea

Kim:Or we all can go to jail

I felt like a bad person that day because our friend is missing and we not going to the police we all left that cabin different people we went back to living our lives..

Time went by today is the day we went on our camping trip a year ago , so I called everyone and suggested we all go to the cabin and bring flowers everyone agreed.

We all made it we all looked very uncomfortable being at the cabin

Jack:Well guys tomorrow is the day

Alex:I have a bad feeling about this

Lisa:Yeah me too

Deon:We are such bad friends

Kim:No im the bad friend

Lisa:Honestly we all are because we all left her here

We all was crying and talking then the lights went off , we was sitting in the dark for about 15 minutes

Deon:Let's go see what's going on

So me deon & alex go outside to the back of the cabin all three of us was confused so we went back in

Kim:What was the problem

Jack:It's like someone turnt the lights off


Deon:Yeah we pulled the switch back up

Alex:What if it's amber

Kim:Amber ! really ?

Alex:I've seen her

Lisa:Me too


We are all scared then we hear a loud bang at the door we all run upstairs now we locked in the room

Lisa:What was that

Alex:I don't know but we need to leave

Then we hear our names and it sounds like amber

Amber:Come out and play with me

Alex:How is this possible

Lisa:I'm scared guys I want to go home

Then the door started shaking , Come out and play with me over and over again

Lisa:I knew this was a bad idea

Kim:Shut up lisa why did you come

Lisa:I have an idea guys why don't we push kim out there so she can go play

Deon:Stop ladies

Alex:What if she comes in


Everyone is going back and forth


When everyone turns around amber was standing by the door

Lisa & Alex:Amber

Alex:Are you a ghost

Deon:Y'all I don't like this

Amber:Come and play

Kim:Amber im so sorry

Next thing you know amber went from standing by the door then right in front of kim we all stepped back scared as ever

Amber:Come and play with me kimmy

Kim:You haven't called me that since we was kids , are you going to let's us leave

Amber:Only my friends can leave

Kim:But we all left you here

Amber:LEAVE NOW ( looking at us )

We all ran and get in our cars deon and jack left

Lisa calls alex

Alex:Lisa you should go
Lisa:What about kim
Alex:Amber has her now
Lisa:Do you hear that
Alex:Yes let's get out of here

The next day me , deon , alex and lisa was in a group chat we still couldn't believe our eyes we promised to never speak about it ever again until ....

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© Queen Pooh Rainbow