

Caring Caring ❤.
Domestic violence.

Dear lady's always choose a good heart, not an handsome animal, love at first sight as he was very successful in what
he do, as I was sitting on the travel bus
and he approached me with a lovely flowers. As I was in love with him instantly, we gotten married, we haven't had any children yet, His behavior started to change maybe about 4weeks to
A month. He started changing my appearance,blowing up my cellphone. following me, checking my under garments when I left the house. locking
me in closed doors. He became my monster in my dream. I have several busted lips and Black eyes. My body was in pain I had no one to run to because he moved me from my family. As I tried to escape many times. He couldn't let me
leave, so I had to fight the lover of my life. I never fought before, I say death or fight, so I had to fight my lover as I gotten several punches. He was on the floor. I packed a small bag in left. I never
looked back.
Good Heart Turns Evil.
Caring Caring ❤.

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