

Serene Town

The meeting was over the papers were all signed,
a merge was on the table that I no longer wanted to be apart of. There was a tighting in my chest a pull which get stronger with each breath.
Her existence played on my mind like a story waiting to be written. A kind of love that is rare.
She never said much of anything and I can hear ever word she don't say. I can feel her longing to be loved her wait for something special, the need for that closeness that so many take for granted.
The ache got stronger, I needed to leave,
I didn't get a room at the hotel where I usually stayed I wanted be there.
The drive was the longest drive that I had driven in a long time which only took about thirty or so minutes just a couple of miles down a road that everyone had forgotten.
The old bridge was there and that built road never looked better. Had Sam left the gate open for me, whatever it doesn't matter. The calm returned as I drove in and carried my overnight bag in my cabin. I didn't see her then but Saturday morning her ghost appeared across the river there she were in white again.
I went to her we gently hugged and just as we were to kiss she disappeared.
'So she really was a ghost?
no I am not a ghost Diaya said,
And there's a lot of the story that he left out it's getting you should go to sleep,
goodnight sweet dreams.

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