

Story Time ( My Car Accident )
I Remember that whole day.. that morning I got up like around 8 i showered ate some food as I was eating I got a phone call saying my car was ready to be picked up I was hella excited so a family member called me right after that and I told her I had to go pick my car up and she wanted to come so I said ok so her friend dropped us off around 1pm so when we get there the guy was telling me everything he did to the car , I said thanks and he handed me my keys my family member said she wanted to drive I said ok I get to relax so that's fine so we got in the car and left we were dancing to music both of us are happy so I turn the music down and said let's get something to eat so the fact that we saw mcdonald's first we went there after we get the food we leave I remember about to put my seatbelt on and I had got a very bad feeling I didn't know what it was so I didn't put it on then my greedy a** starting eating so as we get to the 3rd light from the mcdonald's as we crossing the light I look over and see this blue car then I said oh s*** then he hit us hard and fast I remember how it sounded when he hit us windows busting engine roaring and the car flipping it flipped a total of three times before I flew out and hit the pole but my car continues to flip with my family member still in it , it flipped 8 times total & slid as I lay there watching the car flip & slide I can't move there was this guy who ran up and was talking to me but I didn't really hear him I'm still in shock because I can't feel anything next thing I know I'm having an out of body experience I see myself laying there and no one can hear me I scream I'm not ready it's not time everything went black then I was back in my body but this time the pain was extremely horrible people were trying to stop me from falling to sleep but I was in so much pain I just wanted it to be over so I was air lifted to the hospital I remember feeling like I couldn't breathe at that moment I stop fighting and gave up all I can remember is all white nothing around just white and me at the time I didn't understand what was going on but then I heard a voice say it's not your time now wake up then I remember looking right at this nurse and she said you had us scared there welcome back :'( I died twice that day..this story still get's me emotional because my family member didn't make it and while everyone else was done grieving I was still recovering learning how to walk again once I finally get home that's when they told me she didn't make it I asked for her every single day nobody would tell me anything I miss her every single day
© Queen Pooh Rainbow