

Night owls..I guess
It's 1:32am of 17thMarch Friday and I'm still awake like a ghost doing its night shift. I tried closing my eyes and find sleep but it's just not happening. These days I thought about rain quite often, I missed the sound that it makes I missed the smell that it leaves when it touches the ground and mixes with the sand. I'm scared of thunders but it helps when you need a sleep and luckily it's pouring outside. I can hear thunder roaring outside followed by the flash of light that's hitting my window. But suprisingly there is no sign of sleep in my eyes. I try to erase my thoughts by putting sleep music into my eaes but it is making it even worse. This is the time when I feel like cursing people who are sleeping so peacefully, which is wrong I know. so I've got no choice but to do something that is write about it.Thought maybe it would help but I don't know. More I write more I'm awake.
Ooh..the sound outside is so good and somehow I wish I could go outside and see it but I remind myself not possible. what do I do. Fact is, I know I'm not depressed nor do I suffer with insomnia it's just that sometimes maybe sleep too needs vaccation. Stupid I know but I can think of nothing else. I wonder how many of like me might be tossing and turning around to just close eyes and find a good sleep. For them who are like me 'All the best' I hope you find peace and sleep.
And now it's 1:52am I should sleep. To whoever, if you are reading this right now just wanna say you're not alone so stop being miserable and sleep. Everything is just fine. And now I'm more worried that my battery is running out, the room is dark so wish I could sleep without stupid thoughts.
Good night and Good morning. Aah it's 2:04am.