

Wilted Roses Chapter One
Rain pours down from the cotton puff-like sky. Nevadas eyes trace the silhouette of the stop light ahead of her. Impatiently waiting to drive off. Her alarm didn't go off this morning, and she had an important meeting today that could get her a promotion. While waiting for the light to turn green, she thinks about all the amazing things this promotion can do for her. She could move out of the bug infested apartment she lives in. There would be no more loud, nosy neighbors. She could buy the little house off Brooklyn Street she'd been eying for months now. She looks up once more, and the light turns green. Her nails tap the steering wheel to the offbeat of the windshield wippers. She pulls into the office building and sees cars linned up in front. After the car stops at an empty parking space, she collects her briefcase and her keys. But as she opens the door, her wallet slips out of her pocket and lands in a puddle. This goes unseen as she continues to quickly march to the building door; trying her best not to get her new designer shoes wet that she'd found a few days ago at the Goodwill for a killer deal. As she entered the building, a tall dark haired man quickly pushes past her and leaves before Nevada has a chance to get a glimse at the skyscraper of a man who had looked slightly attractive from the blur she'd seen.